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...artisti, muzikanti i poeti - celiteli ustavschih naschih dusch..." I. Talkov "Pamjati V. Tsoja.

About Me

Дорогой Брат Павел,
На сайт я попала "случайно", познакомившись заочно с чудесным музыкантом Даниел Мимра. Мне очень бы хотелось, чтобы его услышали наши люди.
Это уникальый артист, поэт и музыкант.Он получает много писем из России, Украины, Белоруссии и стран СНГ, и люди спрашивают, когда он приедет с концертом в наши края.
Пожелаем ему успеха и удачи! Будем верить, что наступит день, когда его услышат на просторах нашей Родины!
Твоя сестра Катя
Dear Daniel!
When I first heard your song „Not A Friend Of Mine“, I understood you had a Russian soul.
Your songs are full of melancholy with a lot of heart and depths and they go right to the bottom of my soul. They are the voice of your soul!
I was deeply touched by „Not A Friend Of Mine“ - so deep, I wanted to scream out loud that you are one of US!
For us Russians, friendship has a deep meaning and is essential for life.
One of my favourite Russian artists, Vladimir Vissotzki, wrote a song „About A Friend“ and I want to answer you with his words:
„When you don’t know whether a friend is a friend or not, take him up to the mountains and if he follows you all the way and keeps the cord around his waist, then you know that he is truly a friend.“
Your songs are so close to us Russians, depths and content harmonise with our soul.
You have to play concerts in Russia and you will find a huge, grateful and loving audience.
From all my heart I wish you success and happiness.
P.S.: In a dream, I have seen you performing on a very big stage in St. Petersburg and there was an ocean of people and flowers.
Dear God, may this not only be a vision, may this become reality.
Your akin soul

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