Hello this is the infamous Davin, twisted authorities right may now be hunting me with a passion fueled by hate and money. The cash has been invested by international communities and corporations and is believed to lead to my demise. I may seem innocent enough, being married at 21, attending church and college regularly and playing ball hockey, however, beneath this carfully spun veil of secrecy lies a man waiting, waiting, for a chance to swing the world's door from it's hinges. This may all seem a little vague and secretive in itself, If I were to tell you the truth, not only would I have to hunt you down, I would also have to infect you with an incurable case of laryngitis and disable each of your fingers so you would not effectively be able to communicate with anyone, thus seeing the possibility of my secrets being unveiled. So hopeffuly nonetheless, even without my truthful admission of my career or life behind closed doors, though I'm a one woman man, you will be my friend. Good Day and Cheerio.