These three mightily-ought-to-be-endearing post-industrial figures come
into deterritoiralized choruses and inter-ex-changed song-writing moments
in a delightfully sensual threeway musikal kollaboration and are assured
warrants of a deservedly-real certain campy-kult response from listeners
familiar with their indivual and kollektive werks.Faux-spiritual drono-folk from Nick Grey enters into a very stark contrast
with more serious moodo-edges from neo-folk pioneer Tony Wakeford.Moments of intensifying kommuniktions between Kris Force and Grey come off as a flip-flop of channeled earth-crying gloom all the way about to kute
bloopers caught on tape put into the mastered depths of songs, a relief of
experimental processes and methods perhaps ala divine moments of _Phillip
Glass_ meets old-school industrio-angst ala _Throbbing Gristle_ or
_Swans_, especially with the perhaps now kult-hit song on Kris Force's
solo-project my space page, "Vercors".But what also happens here is that Force and Grey kraft a general
acclimation to adequately-studied neo-classical acoustic technique and
"new musik" chamber musik arrangements, and when they meet up with
proletariat ethico-aesthiks of Wakeford, a jazzo-post-epik fusion occurs
to really warm the hearts in times of perhaps approaching kultural
reccessions akin to Winter's bio-geo-chemistries. Lots of various
registers of various clarinets, live vibraphone and antique old piano,
very wet Kreeping blues-garage guitar, crying voices in chorus,
masterfully haunting real strings and elsewhere into vokal solos ala some
new genre of extremely humble post-industrial musikal-theatre, replete
with sinister up-to-date electronika-ish proecssing techniques, a
questionably random vs. predestined "same-place-same-time."But thankfully what we can skillfuly and assuredly skirt around in this
individualized austerity as three-way group project, is that sort of dated
indie kulture post-rock krap with this album. It really rises above that
kind of now mediokritized regurgitation with their three-way moments that
are way-out with the vibes of most surreal late seventies prog
horror-movie soundtracks. A twist of sublime early _Brian Eno_ is innately
developed all at the right times as the set progresses towards its
searchingly sinking at times Kontra-basso-dubby, jazzo-folko-gloom
December horizon even ala _Bark Psychosis_, increasingly-whispering Kris
Force narrating the effects of its bio-emotional effekts on our
ghost-walking bodies-without-organs wherever they perform their perhaps
seasonal walkies and talkies. All in good humour as kute-as-hell bloopers
from Grey and Force are saved to grace and mutated into the thickening
Romantik mixes ala _TalkTalk_ where Wakeford, Force and Grey are heard
justifying their minimally-expressed maximal arsenal of sinkingly serious
folklore vokal moments.."Shadows in the night..." "Oh Marble Heart"...One
just has to own it and listen to it all the way through to realize the
therapeutik trajectories it is eternally on.;]...."In December. Fixed in
ice..." [remarkably, even in the end track, no one is buried nor lost in
this kind ov assembled, almost-cybernetik, warmth..]- Demian Rufus
My Interests
Member Since: 29/01/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Nick Grey
Kris Force
Tony Wakeford
Sounds Like: