Id like to meet that special someone who sweeps me off my feet, that girl I hurry home to every day because i miss the way she touches me. The girl I can open up to, a girl who doesnt mind listening when i need someone to talk to..A true girl a real girl.. Someone who can enjoy coming to the gym with me and not be afraid to get out on the floor and lift. Someone that i can take to an A's game, someone I can lay next to a fire with on a rainy day watching movies with. But most of all Im looking for a friend a true friend:-)Finally found what i was looking for:-)
Love all types of music but for the most part im a ghetto ass white boy stuck in hick country, lol. During the summer months u can find me down the street at the sleep train amphitheater listening to a range of groups. Everythin from Ozfest to Tim Mcgraw followed up by some Snoop and Dre.. so ya im not a hater when it comes to music!!!!!
If u know me u know my ass is fucking nuts when it comes to movies.. I love all types of movies thus accounts for my crazy ass DVD collection. Have close to 400, ya i know, what a fucking waste of money right,lol.. But some of my fav would have to be Training Day and Man on Fire, ya u could say im a Denzel fan.. But ya i guess movies to me is like twinkies to a fat kid:-)
Ya basically i have no fucking life, so if im not at the gym u can more than likely find me posted up on the couch watching ESPN, CSI, House, and the ultimate fighter.. And on a good day u can throw the food network channel in there,lol
Books, shit if there aren't pictures of half naked women, articles dealing with sports or weight lifting, chances are my ass hasen't read it,lol. Books, hell i havent read a book since college, actually to tell u the truth my ass never read any of the assigned reading in college eather. So ya it must of been since high school since my ass has actually read a book from cover to cover. sorry, im just not one of those guys who can loose himself in a good book,lol
The only heroes i have are my parents. Love ya mom and dad