About Me
30 years reflection of working and helping out homeboys,taggers,teen parents,run aways,homeless youth and their families.Here is a short list of my 30 year work highlights:I have been shot at, at least 11 times...Been stabbed twice while breaking up a fight...Punch and kick countless times...Have had a few Gangsters and L.A.P.D. put their shotguns to my head and chest at least 6 times...I have seen 13 youth die in front of me...I got 19 homies to the hospital for help only because their homeboys ran and left them behind...I have had many 40 oz'ers, rocks, chairs, toss at me...I have been slap in the face and yelled at many times by parents who blame me for their kids fucking up...I have help over 100 families bury their loved ones...I have broken up a shit load of fights but also organized a shit load of "one on one" fights too...I have been loved and betrayed time and time again...I know now I have become an asshole to some, ask my ex-lady friends,co-workers,family,and friends... shit no wonder I am divorce,lonely,over weight,and tired...After 30 years of helping others,I now come with a waring about myself..."Love me now because soon you will learn to hate me"...Yes! I love what I do, I really do....