Magnitude 6.19 Records profile picture

Magnitude 6.19 Records

About Me

Magnitude 6.19 Records is an independent record label based in San Diego, California. Historically Southern California has been the melting pot of punk rock music. Over the last 10 years there has been a movement away from punk rock music resulting in a depleted scene with music that is intolerable. Our mission is to regain the punk rock scene by once again making Southern California the epicenter of punk rock music. To achieve this, we are looking for the best punk rock bands in and around the Southern California region. We will help produce, promote, and distribute our artists’ music with the goal of making their music generate seismic waves felt worlwide. Please contact us if you believe your band is ready to take it to the next level.
The first band to sign with Magnitude 61.9 Records is Critical Me

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My Interests


Member Since: 28/01/2007
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Record Label: Magnitude 6.19 Records
Type of Label: Indie

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