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Mengü Ertel

About Me

english text below
Istanbul’da dogdu.
Ögrenimini Istanbul Güzel Sanatlar Akademisi’nde yapti.
Bir süre filmler ve tiyatro eserleri için dekorlar hazirladi.
1954 yılında Türkiye'nin ilk grafik sanatlar atelyesi olan San Organizasyon'u kurdu.
Muhsin Ertugrul’un yüreklendirmesiyle, 1959’dan sonra tiyatro afisleri yapmaya basladi.
Bu dönemden sonra Sehir Tiyatrolari, Devlet Tiyatrolari ve birçok özel tiyatro için afisler hazirladi.
150’den fazla özgün tiyatro afisi yapan sanatçi’nin eserlerinden birçogu uluslararasi sergilere katildi, ödüller aldi.Ertel bu arada kitap kapagi, amblem gibi çalismalar da yapti.
Ilk tiyatro afisleri sergisi 1969’da Türk-Alman Kültür Merkezi’nde açildi.
Bu tarihten sonra, yurtiçi ve yurtdisinda Varsova, Bruksel, Amsterdam, Brno gibi merkezlerde kisisel sergileri açildi.
Afisleri Varsova ve Münih Sehri Müzeleri ile Wilanov Afis Müzesi’ne alindi.
Ilk uluslararasi ödülünü Cannes Film Festivali Afis Yarismasi’nda aldi.
Ayni yil, Çekoslovakya’nin Bruno kentinde sahnelenen Haldun Taner’in “Kesanli Ali Destani” adli oyununun dekor ve giysilerini Çekoslovakya Devlet Tiyatrosu için hazirladi.
1975’de Paris Uluslararasi Sinema Afisleri sergisinde büyük ödül aldi.
Çalismalari,Graphis (Isviçre), Novum (Almanya), Graphic (Almanya) ve Modern Publicity (Ingiltere) gibi dergiler ve yilliklarda genis bir sekilde yer almistir. Ayrica Who Is Who in Graphic Art (Isviçre Clivio Pres) sanatçiya yer vermistir.
Ertel daha sonra Istanbul Devlet Tiyatrosu’nca sergilenen, Güngör Dilmen’in “Deli Dumrul” adli oyununun dekorlarini hazirladi (1979).
Islamabad’da insa edilen ve projesi Vedat Dalokav’a ait olan caminin seramik kible duvar tasarimini gerçeklestirdi ve 25X60 m boyutlarindaki bu dev panonun yapimini yönetmeyi üstlendi.
Sanatci 1980 yilinda Moskova Olimpiyatlari için açilan uluslararasi afis yarismasinda bronz madalya alarak üçüncü oldu.
1. Istanbul Festivali Afisi’ni hazirladi.
1. Ihap Hulusi Ödülü’nün tek seçicisi olan Ihap Hulusi, ödülünü kendisine verdi.
Grafik Sanatçilari Dernegi’nin kuruculugunu ve baskanligini, Sinematek’in genel sekreterligini ve baskanligini çesitli dönemlerde yürüttü.
1988 yilinda Istanbul Sehir Tiyatrolarinda yeniden sahnelenen “Kesanli Ali Destani” nin dekorlarini gerçeklestirdi ve “Tiyatro ve TV Yazarlari Dernegi” ödülünü aldi.
1989’da Colorado International Poster Exhibition’a davet edildi, eserleriyle katildi.
1992’de “Muhsin Ertugrul Yüz Yasinda” etkinliginde sergisiyle yer aldi.
Hayati Tabanoglu’nun projesi ile gerçeklesen Istanbul Holiday Inn Oteli’nde tüm dekoratif panolari tasarladi ve gerceklestirdi (1993). Emlak Kredi Bankasi binasina iki büyük pano düzenlemesi yapti.
1998’de Devlet Sanatçisi oldu.
Ayrica 1994-1998 yillari arasinda TRT tarafindan gerçeklestirilen 180 programi askin “Cumhuriyete Kanat Gerenler” yapiminda dizinin sunuculugunu yapti.
Hayati boyunca retrospektif sergi acmayi istemeyen Ertel, en son sergisini 1999’da Dolmabahçe Kültür Merkezi’nde (Istanbul) “Büyültmeler adi altinda gerçeklestirdi.
Son gunlerine kadar üretmeyi sürdürüyordu.1931-2000
Born and died in Istanbul .
He studied in the State Fine Arts Academy.
For a while he prepared decorations for films and theatre plays.
Ä°n 1954 he founded San Organizasyon which happens to be the first graphic design firm of Turkey.
With the encouragement of Muhsin Ertugrul, he started drawing theater posters in 1959. After that year he made special posters for State, Municipality and private theaters.
Most of his original posters participated at international exhibitions and biennals and received prizes. He has worked on book covers and emblems as well.
He opened his first theater poster exhibition in 1969 at the Turkish German Cultural Center. He also had solo exhibitions in Berlin, Warsaw, Amsterdam and Bruno. His posters were added to the collection of the Warshaw Museum, the Munich Museum and The Wilanov Poster Museum.
He received his first international award in France at the 1974 Cannes Film Festival / International Film Posters Competition.
In the same year he produced the set design and costumes for Haldun Taner’s musical play “Ali of Keshan” that was put on stage by Czechkoslovakia State Theater.
In 1975 he was awarded the Grand Prize in the Paris International Cinema Posters Exhibition.
He received wide coverage in internationally recognized magazines such as Graphics of Switzerland, Novum of Germany, Graphic of Germany and Modern Publicity of England. In addition he is recognized in Who is Who in Graphic Art of Clivio Pres, Switzerland. In 1979 Ertel prepared the set design for the Istanbul State Theater’s Deli Dumrul.
In the same year Mengü Ertel confirmed his versatility as an artist when he created an enormous ceramic wall (25X60 m) in Islamabad Mosque designed by Vedat Dalokay.
He also won the bronze medal in the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games Poster Competition.
He was one of the founders former president of the Turkish Graphic Arts Association. In various periods he acted as the general Secretary, Vice President and President of the Cinematheque ih Turkey.
In 1988 he again prepared the set design for “Ali of Keshan”, staged by Istanbul Municipality Theater, whereby receiving the Theater and TV Writers Association Award.
In 1989 he was invited to participate at the Colorado International Poster Exhibition with several of his works.
In 1992 he joined the Muhsin Ertugrul 100th year celebrations with his special exhibition of the portraits of the father of Turkish Theatre.
In 1993 he started with wall designs once again. Ertel designed and created all of the decorative panel of Holiday Inn, Istanbul, a project initiated by Hayati Tabanlioglu. In the same year he prepared two large pannels in the Emlak Kredi Bank Headquarters.
In 1998 he was rewarded as Artist of State.
Between 1994 and 1998 he presented a 180 episode TV program on TRT, an attibute to the “Adherents of the Turkish Republic”.
In all his life, he never wanted to make retrospective exhibition.
He named his last solo exhibition “Blow Ups” at Dolmabahce Cultural Center in Istanbul.
He went on producing till his last moments..

My Interests


Member Since: 28/01/2007
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Record Label: san
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Mengü Ertel'i uurluyoruz Dünya Gazetesi 21 03 2000

Mengü Ertel'i bugün uurluyoruz21.03.2000 - 14:39 Dünya GazetesiParkinsonla cesurca sava_an, ama, hastahanede yakaland11 zatürreye yenik dü_erek arife günü grafik sanat1n1 öksüz b1rakan Mengü Ertel'i...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Mar 2009 04:16:00 GMT

Mengü Ertel passed away on march 15,2000

Mengu Ertel passed away on March 15, 2000Mengu Ertel (1931 -- 2000), one of the pioneers of contemporary Turkish graphic design and past president of GMK, the Turkish Society of Graphic Designers (198...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Mar 2009 04:01:00 GMT

Mengü Ertel de kanat gerenlerdendi DOAN HIZLAN

21 Mart 2000 [email protected] Doan H1zlan: Mengü Ertel de Kanat Gerenler'dendi Baz1 konular vard1r ki, kafan1zda, zevkinizde belli bir adla özde_le_ir.Grafik deyince benim akl1ma ilk Mengü E...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Mar 2009 03:51:00 GMT