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The writhing hell child of Joshua Klemp and Matthew Hausler has surpassed puberty with flying colors and took on full form with the help of nurturing father figures (and complete heterosexuals btw ladies) B.Cruz, Mike Cleary, and Abner Machorro. Known in its early years to wear makeup and take on aliases such as To Leave Last, Hold Falling Stars, Ph Squared, and most notably, FLYNNE, the gods of rock have been forced to smile at this downhill avalanche-like cavalcade of a music ensemble as its chaos with splashes of melody has brought weenies-oh wait i mean pride-to the local music scene. Sorry about the weenies thing, I've got other things on my mind right now. Its just that--oh nevermind. With a flamming battleaxe in one hand, and a red-headed stepchild in the other, metal megalodon INFERIS EXTERRA will be sure to stick its tongue down your throat and explode your trachea but in a good way.
Send us a message if you would like to own one, $10.