[AIM - calendar count]
Hi, i'm Sara. I hope it's a pleasure to meet you. I try to give everyone a shot, but please don't go and fuck it up. I really hate that. At anyrate, here's is a little somethin' somethin' you should know about me. Consider it, a warning, insight, and well, possibly a good laugh!
First off, i'm pretty tall. Six foot to be exact, and no, it's not all in the legs, it's all torso, which leads to me having the longest back in the world which is a hassle to deal with. Also, i have really long arms, which are in the process of being covered with tattoos. The ears are at an inch, there are plans of going to an inch and a half eventually, pending on which career i decide to go with. The lip was pierced 7 years ago on the right side. I doubt i'll ever get around to snake bites, let alone spider bites.
I firmly believe that laughter is the best form of exercise. There's nothing better than being with your friends and your face hurts and you're a few steps away from six pack abs due to absurd amounts of laughing. And maybe i'm alone on this, but there's hardly any better feeling than putting on new underwear and socks. It's just nice, and none of you can deny it. I actually know how to cook, and i consider it a hobby. I love a good book, at any time, any day, but i also watch the golden girls every single night. It's my show, leave me alone. :]
I could easily survive on hot fries, twizzlers, and ramen noodles and scrabble. It's amazing what you learn to adjust to at times. If you ever have to sneeze, i've found yelling pink elephant seems to do the trick. Don't ask me why. I have alot of ambitions and dreams in my life, but i plan on doing every single one that i'm capable of in my lifetime. When i go out, i plan on going out with a bang, or atleast some kick ass stories to be remembered by.