Almost everyone calls me "Mir." I grew up in Northern California in a city called Pleasanton; my family still lives there while I made my home in Southern California. What brought me to "The Valley" of Los Angeles County? Well, school was my initial reason for moving (Cal State Northridge is my alma mater); but what kept me here is the amazing family I formed my first year, a family that keeps growing and loving. It's not a family of sorority sisters or of country club members. This family consists of my brothers and sisters in Christ, mostly those who serve at Shepherd of the Hills Church in Porter Ranch.So, yes, I am a Christian! Going on a little over a decade now; and it's been quite a ride. In case the title Christian is confusing to you, just think of me as a sold-out, star-struck, striving student of Jesus Christ.What else...I'm 24, almost done with an M.A. in Theology from Talbot School of Theology at Biola University, working at Shepherd of the Hills, and living in Canoga Park. That's the abridged version; we'll have to chat for you to get details.