About Me
We are incredibly talented linen folders, who moonlight as incredible songwriters. We know absolutely no bounds whatsoever. Our lives started similar. Embryonic self worship transforms swiftly to a mind numbing state of conscience being. We are aware that transformers are action figures. We are aware that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are heroes in a half shell. Our dreams consist of musical notes dancing in a fjord filled to the brim with honey and delicious sushi. We are world travelers. We are kryptonite. We be on it all night man We be on it. Once We thought that We were destined for greatness, then We woke up and realized it to be true. The future holds a crystal ball in her hand. She's got a blindfold on, and a sign on her back that says, "Kick Me!". Not since the disco era have human beings been so close to an amazing turn of events. It was close to happening then, but the time is certainly now. We levitate on skateboards. Gravity is a cruel joke the moon plays on you, and We're in on it. The ocean sings lullaby's to marsupials, while We eat chicken noodle and oyster crackers. Inland bodies of water dry up when We sneeze. If there was a comic book written about Us, it would be called, "Awesome Part II". The magma core of planet Earth traded us eternal life for a Mark McGuire rookie card, then asked for a trade back when Barry Bonds broke Mark's record. The magma core of the planet Earth is a sore loser. We didn't trade back, and a volcano erupted, as if that would worry Us. Seventy-Four children have sung "Happy Birthday" to Us at one time. We told them that they're party hats looked stupid, then invited them over for some sorbet. Modern electronics use diodes, and We think that diodes are for people who have nothing better to do. We own a ceramic mine in Atlantis, and business is slow. Our vacation house is in Limbo. Summers are dry, and breezy. Zeus and Athena come over to play Texas Hold 'Em, Aphrodite is a cheater, and Hermes is a risk taker. Apollo makes a delicious dip made from squash and pork loin. Poseidon brings the liquor. Basically, We reached where we are by kicking ass, taking names, pwning n00bs, exposing clowns, turning out posers, stickin snitches, and eating fried rice. All at the same time on February 31st, 1978. We are unparalleled, We are unperpendiculared, We are the gum under the desk in Geometry class. We invented space ships and time. Italy calls us for relationship advice, and Mount Everest wants her casserole dish back. We use the Marianas Trench as a dishwasher. We keep Megafauna for pets, and don't care about punching people with glasses in the face. On a trip East to West, we go North by NorthSouth. Our home base is heaven, and our weekends are spent in Argentina. If you swing by church We'll probably be there, ask the priest for the key to the linen closet.