*aN oPeNmInDeD pErSoN bUt In A wAy VeRy SeCrEtIvE*
*HaS a GuD sEnSe Of HuMoR*
*pLa TaWa*
*If M pReTtY mUcH cOmFoRtAbLe wId Ma CoMpAnIoN u CaN tRuLlY sAy WhO rEaLlY aM i*
*cAnT lIvE wIdOuT fUd(WoNdEr WhY i StIlL sTaY sKiNnY) eHeHe*
*SbE nG mGa AtE cO gIrL n YaChAnG dW aCo DhIl S eYeS cO.. eHeHeH*
*nD mOsT oF aLl(MaSa) MaSaNdAl TuLoG eHeHeH*
*BaEt NmN cO nD bStA kLaLaNiN nIo N lN cO oKiEs..*
[email protected]
* ambitious and serious.*
* loves to teach and be taught.*
* always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses.*
* likes to criticize.*
* hardworking and productive.*
* smart, neat, and organized.*
* sensitive and has deep thoughts.*
* knows how to make others happy.*
* quiet unless exited or tensed.*
* rather reserved.*
* highly attentive.*
* resistant to illness but prone to colds.*
* romantic but has difficulties expressing love.*
* loves children.*
* loyal.*
* has great social abilities yet easily jealous.*
* very stubborn and money cautious..*