I love to worship!! And I love to soak in God's Word!! Besides that, I enjoy everything about being outdoors and having fun through simple freedoms and joys that can't be bought! I enjoy bashing evolution theories, and debating to defend a cause that is worthy!
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childofGod778 is radioactive. Wear protective clothing at all times.
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What..s your pimped out ghetto thug weapon?
The Flamethrower
This is in no way ghetto or thuggin. However, flame throwers are pimped out, which makes them cool. Anyways, here's a cool picture or some popcorn.
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crazy deer
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I'd really like to meet two people.... One: Jesus, who saved me from my sins. I just have one question: "Thank You!! Why me?" Two: The Pope. I have a lot of questions!....
What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
created with QuizFarm.com----
Which toothpastefordinner picture describes you best?
The funny guy
You are very sarcastic and funny. I LIKE YOU.
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Truly, I really love music that moves the soul. (actually, most of the good music is not christian music (at least not by label)). I love songs that I can sing the words out loud, and they actually mean something (as opposed to most of the pop-culture music out there today). And also anything that brings peace all over!
I don't really watch T.V., but here are 4 great movies: 1: The Butterfly Effect. 2: The Passion of the Christ. 3: The Matrix trilogy. 4: The Lord of the Rings trilogy. They're not in any order, but all equally good (just for different reasons).
Pshhh. What's on that's really worth watching when you consider the time spent in front of the T.V. compared to better things to do with your time?.. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
How smart are you?
Super Genius to the third power
You have reached intellectual nirvana. Nobody is more intelligent than you.
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God's Word!! and anything else that draws a person to his/her Maker!!
Jesus Christ! and my lovely fiance Jen!