MUSIC!!! SING!!!! Reading, hot baths, sleep in a hammock under a tree with the breeze caressing my face, swim in crystal clear ocean waters, visit art exhibits, movies, museums, travel, leisure time, a warm and delicious home cooked meal, family gatherings, aromatherapy, smell the flowers.
Sarah McLachlan, Nicole Kidman, Sarah Brightman, Anggun, Colin Farrel, Dalai Lama, Sai Baba, and of course Jesus.
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Ohhhh...So many too mention, but some of my influences have been obviously Sarah McLachlan, Dido, Anggun, Enya, Tori Amos, Yani, Enigma, Secret Garden, U2, Aerosthmith, Guns n Roses, Ely Guerra, Laura Pausini, Neck, Sarah Brightman...I love it all!!! and lots of Middle Eastern Music. For a while now I have loved Evanescence...and recently I discovered Withing Temptation. I haven't been able to put it down. It's amazing how all the right keys are coming together. Namaste!
Titanic, A walk in the clouds, Blue Lagoon, Dragonfly, Lord of the Rings, Never Ending Story, Peter Pan, Little Mermaid, Man on Fire, Mystic Pizza, Bewitched, Pearl Harbour...maybe more.
Sex & the City got me hooked.
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El Alquimista, El camino de las Lagrimas, Jayne Ayre, Little Women, The Celestine Prophecy, Ask and It is Given, The Secret, Conversations with God...many more
How to make a CandyCandy
3 parts success
3 parts courage
3 parts beauty
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Serve with a slice of lovability and a pinch of salt. Yum!
Personality cocktail
Jesus, Buddha, the 911 Firefighters, Jose Marti.