Things that I absolutely ♥♥♥ and wouldnt be able to live without:
♥uT LoNgHoRn fOOtBaLl
♥VINCE YOUNG and the Titans!
♥30 SeCoNdS to MaRs♥
♥rL RoManCe
♥fLiP FlOps
♥hAiR sTraiGhtNeR
♥mY LaPtOp
and of course........
♥my FrIeNdS♥
♥30 SeCoNdS to MaRs
♥LoLa RAy
♥AsHLeE SimPSon
♥KellY CLarKsoN
♥Foo FiGHtErs
♥RoCK-n-rOLL sOlDiErs
♥3 days grace
♥pAnIc! @ tHe DiSco
♥HaWtHoRnE HeIgHtS
♥DeAtH CaB fOr CuTiE
♥mY cHemIcAl rOmAnCe
♥10 yEaRs
♥coheed and cambria
♥tAkInG bAcK SuNdAy
♥bReAkInG BeNjAmIn
♥stone sour
♥cObRa sTaRsHiP
♥red jumsuit apparatus
and so many more....
too many!
tHe HiLLs
AnYtHIng oN eSpN
rEaL wOrLd/rOaD RuLeS cHaLLeNgEs
oNe TrEE hiLL
gossip girl
well...I would have to go with KOBE...just kidding...but on the REAL heroes would have to be my military friends:
♥Jen T (USMC)
♥Gibby (Army)
♥Albert (Army)
♥Derick (USMC) RIP
♥Alex M (Army)
♥Andrew E (Navy)
and all active military members who go out there and fight for our freedom. These people are our real heroes instead of all these fucking celebrities who dont do shit but complain all the fucking time.