Wes profile picture


Holy Horse Molesting Midgets Batman!

About Me

my name is Wes. i play guitar like a mad man,and tend to have a habit of latching onto peoples legs if they get too close. i'm also completely random,and i..try to have a funny outlook on everything so if i say something that doesn't make any sense at all..it's not you i'm just a moron. adding to that,my brain isn't exacly ever in working order so if you want to know more about me,just you know...do the social thing and ask ^_________^.

My Interests

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Stone Temple Pilots,Guns N Roses,Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers,Savage Garden,N.E.R.D.,Bad English,Rammstein,Radiohead,Black Sabbath,Judas Priest,Motley Crue,Poison,Lacuna Coil,Atreyu,CKY,Slipknot,Cradle of Filth,Dimmu Borgir,The Used,Killswitch Engage,HIM,Demon Hunter,Thrice,Skinny Puppy,A Perfect Cicle,Massive Attack,36 Crazyfish,Earshot,NIN,Korn,Slayer,Megadeath,Franz Ferdinand(because annette got me hooked on them,only thing I hate her for),Staind,Disturbed,Slayer,Delerium,Dirty Vegas,Papa Roach,Puddle of Mudd,System of a Down,Breaking Benjamin,Billy Idol(he fucking rocks!),Bon Jovi,Linkin Park,Nickelback,Cherry Poppin' Daddies(best fucking band ever!),Weezer,Submersed,Orgy,Limp Bizkit,Shinedown,Daft Punk,Kenna,Sublime,Oasis,The Police,Bob Dylan,and...yeah that's it for now lol..if you havn't heard of a band on here then..you suck and need to listen to them.


Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Labyrinth, 10th Kingdom, Flash Gordon, Jason X, The Cell, Pitch Black, The Matrix(the first one only the others sucked major ass), Emperors New Groove, Dark Crystal, EnemyMine, Red Planet, Minority Report, Stargate, Liar Liar, The Mask, Ave Ventura Pet Detective, Saved, Bowling for Columbine, Slackers, The Lost Boys, Red Planet, Idle Hands, Queen of the Damned, Scream(1-3), Resident Evil, Shaun of the Dead.


Law and Order, Dead Like Me(best fucking series in the world), Family Guy, Futurama(death by shnooshnoo! if you watch the series you'll get that joke), Robot Chicken, Jackass, Wildboyz, Thundercats, Batman(Forever...i think..the original batman cartoon).


Angels and Demons,The Great Gatsby,Hamlet,The Tempest,A Tale of Two Cities,Nothings Sacred,Good Omens,The Fountainhead,Door to December,Gangs of New York,The Catcher in the Rye,Supermen(short sci-fi stories),anything by H.P. Lovecraft,Great Expectations,Robot Dreams,I Robot,The Time Machine,Dude Where's My Country,Taiko.


rob halford cause he's fucking awesome. judas priest kicks major ass

My Blog

Med School

= DEATH! Just thought I'd let you know. Which...technically is kind of ironic cause..doctor and all..
Posted by Wes on Wed, 09 May 2007 01:38:00 PST

Survey that I got from Bonnie and she got it from Maria..it's like an STD but not

1. Honestly, what color is your bra?i don't have a bra cause i'm a guy..if i ever need one..shoot me..please..for the love of god2. Honestly, whats on your mind?... seriously that's what's on my mind...
Posted by Wes on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 01:22:00 PST

I'm a regular rebel

(x) smoked a cigarette ( ) smoked a cigar (x) smoked anything else (x) made out with a member of the same sex ( ) crashed a friend's car (x) been in love (x) been dumped (x) shoplifted () been ...
Posted by Wes on Thu, 01 Sep 2005 04:56:00 PST

Be Free

Woke up and I feel like shit I don't remember last night, I'm getting sick of this I hit the bottle when I got off stage And got piss drunk stupid and went in a rage I think I mighta got into a fight ...
Posted by Wes on Wed, 24 Aug 2005 01:44:00 PST

Why you should feel bad for Abu

<!--StartFragment-->Did anyone ever notice that after Aladdin got Jasmine that the little monkey never got anymore attention?  Why?1.  Aladdin has no girl, but has the monkey.2.  ...
Posted by Wes on Wed, 24 Aug 2005 08:48:00 PST