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The Short Puerto Rican

relax. relate. release.

About Me

Janey loves TeaCake
| Create Your OwnLayout made by crackerjappfor the first time in my life, i'm in some REAL love and she said yes...and we're gonna do the damn thing.first the good... i love cute and funny girls. i'll do anything for a lady in distress but i don't have time for triflin chicks. i like to get down and shake my ass to dancehall while tossin back a few strong drinks. hoLLa. i'm boriqua and shoot me if i'm wrong but i think ethnic women are by far the most beautiful. i love men that respect their privilege and overall strength by not intimidating anyone around them. i love random people with killer one liners. i also couldn't live without pizza and chocolate. i just learned how to dive into a pool of water but i've been able to cook three full meals for a family of six since i was about six. go figure.i need substance but there also comes the time where snarfing beer out your nose is the most appropriate thing in the world.i wanna write poetry, direct music videos and pornos all while overtaking the new world order...and then after the fall of the anti-christ... then maybe i'll start up my own religion. the "chill like jesus was chillen" religion.that shit'll be dope.and now for the shit about me that might make you get all like "oh my...she's quite a fucken hateful little wench." ahh suck it. we all have our evil sides. at least i'm being upfront:i am definitely snarky and complicated at times... i'm not ashamed to be honest about what i see and think and sometimes people get all freaked out by it. i'm not interested in stroking or coddling the alpha male psyche. fuck gender and power roles... i'm unimpressed by your lines and self importance. so please go somewhere and try again.i have a special little place in my heart for a baby named Loca.i wish i had more sane less drama filled lesbian friends. lolmy dog can speak. it's awesome.and i love bad ass chicks...
Francesco Dellamorte is your name, and killing
zombies is your game. Living at Buffalora
Cemetery, where the dead rise quite frequently,
you know how to take care of zombies. Yes, you
are definitely a bad ass. Too bad your sexy
model girlfriend is a zombie.
The Zombie Movie Survival Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
you are SHANE! the heartthrob of the group, you're
with a new catch every time you go out. you've
got the whole 'sexy' thing down and use it to
get whatever you want, whenever you want it!
Which Character from The L Word are You???
brought to you by Quizilla

My Interests

gabrielle --

Fetish oriented

'How will you be defined in the sexual dictionary?' at
| View Show | Create Your Ownso my interests change all the time and now that i work i find myself unable to indulge in the things i love.First and foremost, i am currently head over heels in love with a woman who i believe was made perfectly for me to love. you can all proceed to vomit but it's true. anything i get to do with Liz is more fun than anything i could be doing alone. i LOVE film man...and not in that pretentious film major way. lol don't worry im not about to bore with a list of obscure films, directors and producers. FUCK THAT SHIT. that's not what film is about. I go to the movies to enjoy myself, to learn and to escape and thats what theyre fucking there for. I go see the indies (like y tu mama tambien, rabbit proof fence and so on) but then man, i GOTS to go see my Nacho Libres and Jackass flicks. I even go to the movies by me with my family, somtimes i just gotta get away.
| View Show | Create Your OwnSomewhere deep down inside im still a writer but right now im pretty much a reader. So maybe i'm just taking everything in and soon the writing will come cuz ill need to get stuff out. Put a book in my hand and it will be gone. Love fiction, urban dramas, political non-fiction, magical realism....whatever it is i absorb it and love definitely lovemaking with my woman. and no one else.i like going clubbing like BOOM BOOM big GAY BOY clubs are my favorite. but i like'em all (which is definitely a running theme in my personality.) low key jazz spots, red lighted hipster clubs, sexy tiny lesbian name it im there. fuck it ill even go to a muthafucken country western me something new and i'll probably love it. just try me.

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, Shakira, Jenna Jameson, your mom and these lovely ladies :


so you see i like sexy pop music.... but here's a random list of what groups, peoples, and sound makerz i chemical romance, otis redding, gossip, ani difranco, ludacris, faith evans, LIL KIM, greenday, Kelly Clarkson, sean paul, no doubt, keane, the killers, young jeezy, the lunachicks, etta james, alicia keys, matchbox 20, sarah mclachlan, jay z, notorious big, wu-tang, juelz santana, cam'ron, celia cruz, hector lavo, daddy yankee, tego calderon, oasis, garbage, mum, christina aguilera, jill scott, trey songz, mariah carey, digable planets, salt n pepa, nyc house music, sublime, maroon 5, gretchen wilson and shiet anything else you wanna throw in there???Music Video: REHAB (by Amy Winehouse)

Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone


Scarface, Gia, Finding Nemo, Kill Bill 1, Dumbo, Billy Elliott, Real Women Have Curves, Bound, Poltergeist, The Kings of Comedy, Elizabeth, Steel Magnolias, Kill Bill I, Mi Vida Loca and Chick with Dicks in the Mix
Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts


Ugly Betty, Noah's Arc, Intervention, Grey's Anatomy, America's Funniest Home Videos, Real Sex, True Life, Family Guy, Chappelle's Show, South Park, the Cosby Show, Sex and the City, Jeopardy and don't forget my sexy ladies on the L-Word.I have my political beliefs too...mwahahaand Noah's Arc...


Cunt, Wicked, Atlas of the Human Heart, Matilda, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, God and Evil, the Color Purple, and the Love and Rockets seriesif you've made it this far down, feel free to IM me: LunachikX


Mr. and Mrs. Epifanio and Amalia Rivera, Salma Hayek, Amy Shevlin, Jenna Jameson, lil Loca, Jesus and of course the indigenous tribe that figured out how to make chocolate from the cocoa funny:Rest In Peace....Peter Jennings - ABC World News Tonight AnchorAnna Nicole Smith - Call Her whatever you want but she was still a Human Being, A Mother and another Lost Soul. I will pray for your soul mami...Steve Irwin - The Crocodile HunterTamara Dobson - AKA "Cleopatra Jones"

My Blog

do broke lesbians go on vacation?

sometimes i wish i was a gay man...preferably a rich white one. they seem to have more money than God and they get to go on the wickedest vacations.  as for me, i live below poverty level....trus...
Posted by The Short Puerto Rican on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 10:49:00 PST

"Christians" on the 2 train

Yet another tale from the two train...I want you all to comment. let me know if i'm crazy or if you agree. Sittin on the train this morning...same old same old... An older black woman wearing a pink, ...
Posted by The Short Puerto Rican on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 12:18:00 PST

randomness- do it! i wanna know!

  50 things that might not be completely random but are still pretty darn random about YOU 1. Where is your dad right now?somewhere in new jerse making sure the coffee gets to the people so riots...
Posted by The Short Puerto Rican on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 06:49:00 PST

i burn baby burn like disco inferno

god gave us bud. he knew life would be hard and that we'd get sick and depressed and anxious and unfocused. god gave us bud for those times and yet we ignore it.  we create prozac, ritalin, vicod...
Posted by The Short Puerto Rican on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 11:32:00 PST


hey ya'll it's sim card died and took many of your numbers with it. PLEASE even if i have called u recently....WRITE ME BACK WITH YOUR PHONE NUMBER. i just got in touch with so many of y...
Posted by The Short Puerto Rican on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 06:25:00 PST


i don't like being told what i can and cannot do.i also hate being told by someone what i am not ALLOWED to do.martha and charlie don't even tell me what i'm not allowed to do anymore.i didn't think i...
Posted by The Short Puerto Rican on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 12:27:00 PST

movin up in the world son

so the made in new york pa program chose me to be PA of the month and then i was interviewed by the mayors office of broadcast, television and film NYC.  cool beans mang.  here it is:  ...
Posted by The Short Puerto Rican on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 11:35:00 PST

aww man...

man...i'm getting a root canal done today. i'm like buggin...ok so here's somethin u might not know bout me... the dentist freaks me out. i hate people digging and drilling in my mouth. i feel like i'...
Posted by The Short Puerto Rican on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 09:49:00 PST

do u kn0w th@ shoRt Rican?

Take Mah Test Beetches!   either click on this link or find it on my page.   i wanna see high scores.  or imma be sadgirl   ...
Posted by The Short Puerto Rican on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 12:56:00 PST

it's always somethin

::sigh:: it's never ending...this fucking saga with this apartment.  1) it was supposed to be ready for us a YEAR ago. 2) the previous tenant FUCKED up the entire apartment. destroyed cabinets, ...
Posted by The Short Puerto Rican on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 06:30:00 PST