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About Me

Alya (Official)
web site:
e-mail: [email protected] Alya PR
company: Hangar PR - Eva Breznikar
mobile: 00386 41 391 114
web site:
e-mail: [email protected]
Nevarno poredna Alya končno v trgovinah!
Foto: Tanja Zrinski V trgovine je prišel gotovo eden najbolj pričakovanih glasbenih izdelkov letošnjega leta. 'Non Stop!' je že po naslovu, sploh pa po prvem poslušanju, od začetne do zadnje minute neprekinjen izbruh energije!
Za odlično najavo albuma so poskrbeli že hiti 'A veš', 'I don't care', 'Absolutely moj' in 'Zadnji dan', aktualen duet z Rudijem Bučarjem, ki prav te dni tudi v video podobi prihaja na televizijske zaslone.
Producent večine skladb na 'Non Stop!' je Žare Pak in velik del plošče je nastal v Nemčiji, kjer je Alya sodelovala tudi z znanim kitaristom nemške skupine Guano Apes, Henningom Rumenappom. Avtor in producent 'A veš' in 'Zadnji dan' je Jan Plestenjak, singla 'Prima balerina' pa Ruben Loos.
Energična, spevna, zelo nalezljiva, z zanimivimi besedili, predvsem pa ekstremno pozitivna, je plošča 'Non Stop!' zadetek v polno!
Foto: Miran Juršič Alya se pripravlja na divje leto 2009
Poleg tega, da Alya trenutno promovira svoj sveže pečeni singel Absolutely moj, ki se že vzpenja visoko po radijskih lestvicah, se hkrati, skupaj z Rudijem Bučarjem, pripravlja na nastop festivala EMA 2009, kamor je bila povabljena, kot tekmovalka.
Festival se bo začel 31.januarja, skladbo pa je napisal Jan Plestenjak.
Razlog za uspešno in absolutno divje leto 2009, pa bo tudi izid njenega drugega albuma Non-Stop, katerega bo pevka izdala spomladi.
Foto: Iztok Dimc Alya poučuje popularno petje
Alya poučuje ure popularnega petja v C3-CENTRU v Gotovljah pri Žalcu, torej vse, kar je povezano s pravilnim petjem, dihanjem, vokalizo, dinamiko in kondicijo petja, ter vam predstavi, kako izgledajo odrski nastopi v živo.
Prijavi se
Shows / Concerts:
Date / Time Location Species
»7th of March Nike-Gimnastika Show
»19th of March Planica With band
»25th of March Hotel Habakuk Show
»26th of March Klub Cetrtkanje Show
»27th of March Hannover-making a duet with Billy Andrws Recording
»29th of March Rtv Slo-Nlp Show Show
»3rd of April Casino Izola Show
»5th of April Rtv Slo-Nlp Show Show
»6th of April Making the video Zadnji dan Shooting
»7th of April Kms Koncert With band
»9th of April Club Ultra-For Show
»17th of April G.a.m.s Slovenjska Bistrica With band
»18th of April Big Concert Supernova Ljubljana Unplugged
»19th of May Lampioncki Maribor With band
»20th of May Majske igre-Bezigrad Ljubljana With band
»22nd of May Planet Tus Kranj With band
»29th of May Ghoast Nova Gorica Show
»13th of June Radio Stajerski val With band
»19th of June Radio Rogla 12 let With band
»20th of June Jazonova noc With band
»21th of June Poland -3 days With band
»24th of June Soboski dnevi Murska Sobota With band
»27th of June Žalska noč With band
Alya's connections to music goes far in her childhood. She started singing quite early and as a little girl she also played piano and composed her own songs. Later on, she invited four boys to found her own quality band.
One of her first performances was the radio Hit festival with the song Mr. Pozelenja which brought her 2nd place. It was enough for a good start. After that she made a great boom on different radio music ladders, especially with her next song Igra which had a premiere in the show Slovenian Supermodel 2002. Most of her lyrics from her first album were written by her mother Cvetka. After that she participated in the Euro song contest (EMA) in 2003 and 2004 and exploded in Slovenia (media world). Her first CD album Alya was published by Menart and came out in April 2004. It was given many awards and titles, such as Golden CD award and later also Platinum CD award according to a great number of sold CD pieces. Two videos, shot for the songs Alya and Zvezda vecera, were also very successful abroad and have climbed ladders of MTV (World Chart Express). Her song Fluid won the prestige award for the best rock song in Slovenia for the year 2004 on the S.R.F. (Slovenian Radio Festival). Slovenian journalists chose her for The singer of the year 2004.
In the previous year Alya had over 80 concerts. She also had this honour to have a concert with the legendary group Beach Boys. Abroad, she had a concert in Bosnia (Tomislavgrad) and has been discovered by Sarajevo's magazines and newspapers which often put her on their covers. Alya also participated in movement against wearing animal fur. Her wide range of activities also include her own trade brand ALYA. It's about her own collection of different jewellery. Now she is making her new cd album which will be released in spring next year.
The other awards go to Alya herself. In the year 2004 she won the title Slovenian musician with the best style (The statue of Modna Jana). The readers of the magazine FHM (For Him Magazine) marked Alya as one of the sexiest women in the world. In addition to this, the research of one of the Slovenian biggest search engines ( showed that she is one of the most wanted Slovenian artists on the internet.
She also recorded a great song called ¨A veš¨ which was written by Jan Plestenjak and it was one of the 2007-bigest hits in Slovenia. Than she made new version of song-with guest 6Pack Cukur.
After that she recorded the song for Reality show-Big Brother 2008, called ¨Zelo naglas¨-(I don¨t care-English version).
And that is not so surprising, knowing that Alya has a lot to offer on her performance. She is known by her energy, sexapil, attractiveness and temperament. The media marked her as spiritualized and original. Just like her music is.
» Golden CD - album Alya
"On thursday, the 10th of June 2004, took place the traditional granting of the publishing house Menart to his musicians. As always this was the day when the best musicians of the year got the earned recognition for their achievements and popularity between the audience!
Always smiling, interesting,sexy, pleasant and loud voiced Alya also achieved the prize of the Golden CD. With her picturesque, special and stirred up album and with the infinite quantity of colourness on stages, which she also proved on the stage during the performance which conclued the official part of the show..."
» Platinum CD - album Alya
"On Tuesday, 7th of June our company organized a big picnic for the 10th anniversary of the 1st CD published by Menart Records. Of course also the prizes for the greatest successes of Slovenian albums were announced. Alya became the first Platinum CD for the album Alya which has been on the top of the musical ladders for over a year..."
» Statue SRF for the best rock song - Fluid
"On the SRF, which live broadcast from Maribor were we able to see on 25th of February 2005 at 9 pm (the second channel of the Television Slovenia), Alya recieved the second important music prize. She won with Fluid in the category 'The best rock song'. This was the song wich the pleasant girl sang on the lastyear competition EMA (Eusrosong on the national level). Listeners very soon got fond of it. She won with the help of her neverending energy, look - and the most - with the quality song which succeded on TV and also on radios. Good songs and expressive look are Alya's two most known symbols. This prize is definitely a good starter for the similar nominations and awards in the next year..."
» 100 sexiest women of the world 2005
"In the competition for the 100 sexiest women of the world 2005, organized by the Slovenian magazine FHM (For Him Magazine) Alya has captured the 12th place..."

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