How about people I dont want to meet? I dont want to meet fakes and phonies, liars(we all are liars, but REAL liars). You will get a whole lot further with me if your honest, even if it's not what I want to hear. I dont want to meet tweakers, I hate meth and I cant stand people on it. It is the most evil thing ever, and I just dont want to be anywhere near it. I really dont want to meet any bible thumping uber-christians..I am not that religious, and I hate when people try to shove their views down my throat. I wont force my beliefs on you, so leave me the fuck alone about yours. But on to who I would like to meet....hmmm..I'd like to meet people with similar interests to just have fun with. Id like to meet people with open minds. Id like to meet people who don't piss me off, which isn't easy to find. Id like to meet people who give me money for no reason. Id like to meet people who tell me Im beautiful even when I've just woke up. I'd like to meet Hugh Hefner, cause I gotta see what these hot ass chicks see in an eighty year old man. I'd also like to meet Perry Farrell, Jerry Garcia, Albert Einenstein, Sid Vicious, Timothy Leary and good ole Davey Jones(arrgh!) Probably won't happen though since most of them are dead- or almost dead!href=" XQuY29t" target="_blank">