"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." -Thomas Jefferson
"Whether true or false, what is said about men often has as much influence on their lives, and particularly on their destinies, as what they do" - Les Miserables
My soul is centuries old...in human years? 27. I have a good head on my shoulders. I have owned my own company for several years. I am also a bounty hunter, and repo man. Although 'I am' is not incredibly accurate as my work - while an important part of me - does not define me.
So what does define me that I can sum up in a neat little profile? (profile: an informal biography or a concisely presented sketch of the life and character of a person) Indeed how can I present to you, dear reader, a concise yet accurate view so that you will be well equipped to understand the depth that is me after skimming but a few paragraphs?
I am a patriot in the information war. I am a subscriber to a lot of eastern philosophy and spirituality, but I am anti-religion in the sense that I believe organized religion most often strays from its purpose in being faithful to God and has been tainted by man over the years. However, I am pro-conviction, and admire those who are strong in their faith, as long as that faith does not infringe upon the rights of others. I believe in natural remedies, vehemently oppose big Pharma and all the evil they spew. I reject the microwave dinner version of reality that is handed out and so often blindly accepted by others; instead I forage for knowledge and truth and embrace reality as I discover it.I believe in the Human spirit, even though I am daily reminded of all the reasons not to believe. I am....I am the "I" that is asking, 'Who am I?'
So you have a business owner, bounty hunter, anti-establishment, anti-big brother, eastern philosophy studying, freedom loving, open minded drug and chemical hating peace loving individual...no, I'm not multi-faceted at all! But I digress...
When it comes to relaxing I enjoy music. I believe music is therapeutic, and enjoy all types of music depending on my mood. I also enjoy some television and movies, although I believe too much is unhealthy. I do enjoy going out, but I'm not a big club/party/bar type of guy. Don't get me wrong it can be fun once in a while, but the whole every weekend thing...I mean, after a while you have to ask yourself...whats the point?