You May Be a Bit Antisocial...
Antisocial? That may be a bit of an understatement.
You think rules are meant to be broken - and with gusto!
Having no fear, you don't even think about consequences.
But people love you anyway... you've got a boatload of charm.
What Personality Disorder Are You?
What Amanda Means
A is for Amazing
M is for Magnificent
A is for Adaptable
N is for Nutty
D is for Deadly
A is for Adventurous
What Does Your Name Mean?
About Myself by mgmsampaio
What is your real name?: amanda!
What is your nickname?: mindi
What is your hair color?: dyed blonde
What is your eye color?: bluish-greenish
What is your favorite sport?: ha! i like 2dance!
What is your favorite color?: all depends what the colour is being used 4!
What is your favorite food?: chicken! nandoos!
What is your favorite fruit?: grapes
What is your favorite candy?: sour sweets!
What is your favorite movie?: havnt really got a fav but love horrors
What is your favorite place?: london baby!
What is your favorite subject?: i dont like doing the subject but i love being told about history!
What is your favorite quote?: huh?!
What is your favorite days of the week?: bit obvious! weekends!
What is your best characteristic?:
What is your worst characteristic?:
What is your dreams?: cant share that 1wiv u!
Did you ever fall asleep in class?: yes!
Do you have a cell phone?: who doesnt!!??
Do you have tattoos?: no but i want 1!
Do you have Piercings?: yep!
Friends or family?: family of course
Chocolate or vanilla?: vanilla
Morning or night?: night!
Hugs or kisses?: both!
Cats or dogs?: dogs
Rock or rap?: hmmm RAP!
Who did you last speak with on the phone?: a friend....
Who do you like?: alot of ppl
said they hated you?: only a few
you told you hated?: alot!
Kissed in the rain?: i dont no, maybe wen i wz drunk
Said hi to someone you don't know?: yes! how embarrassin!!
Been in an auto accident?: yes, it was a bad 1 2!
Lied to someone?: who hasnt!!
Broke a bone?: no, touch wood!
broke your heart?: yep :-(
My opinion..
On the donation of organs?: on ur own!
On the current president?: fuck em!
On deforestation in the Amazon?: its terrible
On the war in the Middle East?: same as above
Corinthians ... 1st or 2nd division?: huh??!!
Why?: why, what?
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