Nice People - Thank you, you make the world so much better to live in. I could only wish that there was more of you out there.
Letting Loose - Just go out and have fun, if people stare at you...ignore them. Try it just once, you'll have a blast, trust me. Plus you and your friends will laugh about it everytime you talk about it.
Playing Guitar/ Bass - Nothing in the world more relaxing. I wish I were better at it though.
Meeting New People - I love meeting new people because through new people you can discover how different people think about different issues and such. But really, it's just fun to talk to new people.
Roadtrips - I have had some amazing roadtrips with my friends. Some moments that I wouldn't trade for ANYTHING in the whole wide world.
Philosophy - Once again, I just love to see what other peoples views are. I find it really interesting sometimes. Philosophy has always caught my attention. I always wonder about how the mind works, and what is really out there.
Holding Hands - Yeah, alright, call me what you will. But I love to hold hands. With girls only though, or else that would just be weird.
Big Hugs - I love to give biiig hugs, so beware.
New CDs - When I actually scrounge up the cash to go and get a new cd that just comes out...ahh...what a feeling. You pop it in the cd player for the first time and you are just avidly listening to the songs, just getting more and more excited about singing along at a concert..
Sitting On The Rooftop I am a relaxed person, I enjoy just sitting up on the roof (or any place up high for that reason) and just taking it all in. The world has a lot to offer, and we shouldn't pass it all by.
Going To Shows - Probably one of the things I look most forward to. I seem to always have a concert that im just counting down the days to. Nothing beats the energy you get at a concert. Yelling the lyrics back at the band in hopes that they look at you and bring you up there with them and so you can yell them back to all the other fans...(hmm...well maybe just me... )
Useful Advice - I always appreciate advice that people give me. Thanks to all those who have.
Sleep - If I could, I would love to just stay in bed for a day. I love my bed.
Not Having a Care In The World - Ahh...I miss the old days when the main problems you were faced with each day included wrapping the final level on tony hawk and proving to so and so that you could get across the monkey bars while skipping two at a time!
Creativity/ Being Different - Why be the same person as your neighbour when you can be your own person? Try it.
Watching Movies - Okay, so my movie/pop culture knowledge is completely lacking, but I still love those movies that you can watch over and over again without getting sick of. (ie: Billy Madison, Dodgeball, Forrest Gump, Land Before Time, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3)
Travelling - Travelling is always a good experience. The earth is so different all around, and it's quite worth it to go and witness it all.
Warped Tour - K, well...yeah, it's warped tour. pfft.
Weekends - It can feel so good after a long week of work, just to go hang out with your friends and have a fun time.
Camping - Same as above. But include meeting random people and less worries.
Laughing - Laughter is the best medicine.
Cleanliness - Alwas feels nice when you come out of that shower all clean like. mm mmm.
Nice Comments - Ahh hmmmm... yeah. NICE COMMENTS ARE GOOD! HINT HINT!
Uselessness of School - Gosh dang. What a freakin waste of time. Sure the first 6, maybe even 9 years were fairly manditroy. But if you aren't going to be a scientist, why learn about the quadratic equations. It just seems like such a waste. We could have spent all that time focusing on what we actually wanted to be doing and actually progressed our lives that much more.
People That Talk Like This - "YO GANGSTA! Wut up in the hizz house? dij u getta hol of dat new Fitty Cent CD? Iz off da hook!" well, no one actually exagerates it to that point..well maybe they do. But seriously, quit destroying the English language. It's ok to joke like that, but not to talk like that all the time.
Cheaters/Liars - You should all be ashamed of yourselves. There are not too many things on this planet that are lower than you. You're all pretty much filthy, rotting scum, poor excuses of a human being. I don't mean to yell at the people who occasionally lie, because we all do, to an extent. As for cheating, why? Was it really worth it? Just that one night, when you compare that to an entire relationship? If so, then you obviously don't like the person as much as you lead on to them. To all of you out there, they will find out. Whoever it is, they will find out.
Drama - I hate it. I don't want anything to do with it. It is the main reason that I was sooo happy to leave high school. I don't want to hear what so and so said behind my back, because frankly, I just don't care. Please leave your drama back at high school.
Elitists/Bigots - No one is made perfect, sure people have better qualities in some departments than others, but you don't have to go and bloat. There are tons of people better than you out there. On the otherside of things, there are tons of people that have things worse off than you, so be happy for who you are and what you have.
Mass Media Shit - Today, TV sucks. Family Guy is funny, The Simpsons reruns are funny, SNL reruns are funny. The occasional documentaries are interesting. Other than that...it sucks. People get so wound up in their stupid little game shows, and "reality" TV, when in "reality" those shows don't come close to real life. The characters are all models, there is a giant problem that is always overcome by the end of each episode, that's not real life people. sorry. You want real life? Go educate yourself and listen to some REAL news. Maybe this will motivate you enough to get off your ass and do something with your life. Our world is becoming worse and worse, and its all because of that stupid box. People spend hours infront of that thing and really, what does it give you at the end of the day? The comfort in knowing that so and so is voted into the next round and you can keep watching her do a little dance for at least another week?
Brand Names - Once again, why? What is the point of buying something for 100 dollars when you could buy the exact replica of that product for about 5 dollars? Don't tell me it is because it is made more durable. It is because you want to be cool, and you want to fit in. What is the purpose of having a QuickSilver logo on the back of your truck? Does it keep away solicitators? No, once again, you're trying to fit in. Does that not embarrass you, that you must step to such a low level of corporate feudalism just to be cool? Oh well, at least the companies are happy, right? And it least it's not hurting anyone...more specifically in the third world areas of the world...right? oh, that's sarcasm by the way.
Conformity - Goes along quite well with the above topic. Why be a slave to what other people want you to be? Be yourself. You all have great qualities, and everyone is different, this is why it is so important to be yourself! It is what makes the world interesting.
Pure and Utter Ignorance - Some people can easily confuse me with rocks because of their meer lack of intelligence. It's really quite upsetting. I feel embarrassed just to be on the same planet as some people. All though, it does have its benefits, because it can be quite entertaining sometimes..
Jerks - This is towards you, the guys. Learn some respect. Did your parents not spank you when you were little? Women are not objects made souley for your sexual pleasures, and no, it won't be that way no matter how hard you wish. You may think that it is cool when you slap a girls ass, or whistle at her when she is walking down the hallway, but have you ever thought that she doesn't like it? You know, there is more to life then just sleeping with a new girl each night. How long do you think that is going to last before a) you get tired of it. or b) people think you are a loner when you are 40 years old and have not had a stable relationship in your life. Develope some decensy and you may go somewhere in life, and maybe even gain respect.
Goodbyes - I hate saying goodbye to people. It doesn't matter if it is forever, or even just a few hours...I hate it. I wish i could invent something to copy and shrink all the people I meet, so I can carry them around in a little handbag and take them out at any time I wish...
The Fact That This Page Took Me Over 3 Hours to Do. - So you guys better have enjoyed reading it. OR ELSE!
You! or Dennis Lyxen
Billy Madison, Anchorman, Dodgeball, Road Trip, Napoleon Dynamite:
famly guy/simpsons/political humor
Spongebob Squarepants, Peter Pan (in hook), Leonardo from the Ninja Turtles, Jim Patmore...my godfather.