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Cyres Cafe

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Our Story Continues
Cyres Cafe is a Reality Creation Cafe, on-line, and, on-world, in the heart of Antwerp, BElgium, for starters. It is known as The Cafe of Dreams. The Cafe for consciousness expansion and experience of self. The Feel Good Place. Keeping Open to Love.
Step outside the lines and step inside.
The Cafe of Dreams has no limits except in your mind. A blue ocean of unimaginable breadth and depth. You find it when you follow your bliss. It is a continuing of creation. Life enhancing and magnificent. Morphing constantly into new experience. Transformational and transplendent. Lifting thought to new levels. A new platform with an exhilarating view, ever evolving. Constantly BEcoming. Both beautiful and useful. Fun and functional. The fabulous scope for Cyres vision. The perfect setting for self-empowerment. The place to BE.
Cyresland. What a WOW! Through the cooking glass ... yes, we do 10 Impossible Things, or more, before breakfast.
Some Cafes Have All The Fun.
"CYRES Movie * This Day"
Your Adventure Awaits Inside.
Cyres. Life in The Fab Lane. The Cafe built on The Extra Mile. Foundations of Freedom and Dream Fulfillment.
Love calls for creativity and conveying meaning. Designed by the uber-talented Arne Quinze of Quinze & Milan in co~creation with CYRES.
Expertise expressing. Extraordinary. Experience elegance enhanced and enjoyable expanded, really gorgeous and graceful. A sip of reality, stylish and soothing.
As is every energy being, a unique creation.
Cyres is really not like any Café you've ever seen.
Experience interior revolution.
Cyres Cafe. Sculpture with meaning. The Dream Lives.
This is a living Cafe, serving up nutrition for the soul, and may change from now to now as the experience grows, changes, transforms.
Living deeply and deliciously.
A place to manifest Joy, Healing, Well-being, Dream Fulfillment, Satisfaction Now in Your Life. Created to be an uplifting place where people committed to living their best lives, to self development and to experiencing positive, thoughtful dialogue can discover information and one another for inspiration, comfort, support, appreciation, and shared experiences.
The art and science of transformation in everyday life.
Live it up. On purpose, feel Life pouring through you ...
Creative juices are flowing. Cyres Cafe is a cocktail made up of many thoughts / feelings / cool stuff, chilled, with fresh zest for life. Joyful. Stirring up stimulating conversation all round.
Experience the cosmic buffet here at Cyres Cafe.
Deep dimensions of discussion and deliberate dream fulfillment.
In the presence of something creative, committed to society ...
Expect to meet others around the globe who, like you and me, are interested in improving conditions in the world, loving life, appreciating diversity, and developing intercultural dialogue, now. Daring to dream. Oozing enthusiasm from every pore. We are a melting pot. In our hearts a hopeful song. Stretch that expectation by listening, by feeling for it. You are invited to listen with your heart and soul.
The smell of action is in the air.
Notice the bright glint of a shifting paradigm.
Be a Cyres Dream Seed, spread the light and plant forward the love.
Contribute something to the in-site.
Thank You for your help and inspiration in making the sound of CYRES grow! Making us grow includes you, as we are One. Holding the intention of the Universal dreamer.
The Blue Carpet is rolled out, the golden 'Very Included Person' ticket is in your hand, that is some special ticket, and you are welcome. Love to invite you to experience Cyres, where the miracle of Life morphs into more miracles. When the door opens, the adventure begins. Face to face, and heart to heart, we will embrace and energize your dreams ...
Read 'Cyres Vision' in 'Rooms' at The Cafe of Dreams: (Bloggers Wanted * Apply Within) (Check out The Sound of 'CYRES')
Love makes this world go round.
Relax, make yourself a cup of coffee or tea and settle in. Click here for recipe and ingredients. Care to make a difference! Welcome to the smooth rounded flavor of a day in Cyres Cafe.
Practical Art ~ Before Development ~ The Initial Canvass ~ One Aspect of The Ground Floor (film from Cyres Cafe interior designers, Quinze & Milan):
More Insight About This Video
The Cyres building is four stunning storeys.
Sumptuous seating in a setting for the unfolding of a new paradigm of personal and cultural transformation.
The Cafe is all round all about the experience of dreams becoming reality. The positive, purposeful, peaceful place within. Practical advice and ideas included. Real solutions for real challenges. We’re co-creating a new culture. Shifting towards a more enlightened way of being. Fresh bytes/bites and deep insights, blended. Delicious dialogue developed. Conversation is important. Action is supported. Cyres Cafe is a remarkable resource to release resistance and allow all of who you really are. Inspiring your journey and reminding you of your joy.
Let’s take this opportunity to become more conscious, join together and transform life into more of what is wanted for the highest good of all concerned. We are creating the future. Let’s do it through clear, conscious eyes.
In the mornings, we love to exclaim, “Wake Up and smell the Cyres Coffee!”
CYRES stands for Create Your Reality Experience Self
Cyres, I Am, From The Beginning
I am Fire. I am a trailblazer. A pioneer of passion and purpose. Fire rocks and melts into lava, a stream of consciousness, burning in my soul. Emotion. Flow motion. When Fire dances, the heat demands attention. Go with the flow. Flaming Flamenco and Transforming Tango, remembering the rhythm of the Law of Attraction, in action. Leader of fashion. Fabulous life. Look at me, I scream. Feel the heat. My essence flies in the face of convention, and feels stronger than ever. Ever. Eternal flame. Brilliant beam of well-being. I am bright. I am light. White Hot. Wood supports me. Wood gives and I take with my heart. I am beauty. I am real. I am fusion. I am Fire. I walk in the room and heads turn. Let's have a ball. Release resistance, leave it behind like smoke that will disappear. Reappear as more of who you really are. Be. Allow your totality. Melt into the moment. Mine it. Mould it. I'll raise your vibration, just like my fire, climbing higher. I love you. You are my ritual. I shout that I'm fire and you can hear my roar. The naked truth. Hear me raw. Hungry for more. Honesty. Healing. Heartfelt. Holistic. Here, Now. The Hot Buzz. Hot as the sun. I'm fun. I'm cheeky. I'm playful. Open. Colorful. Cooking food for consciousness. I enjoy through action. I'm fired up. Inspired. Powerfully hot. I am glowing. Just below the surface is enough power to change the world. I have the power to cleanse and change. I clear to create space for the divine spark. I am clarity. Eternity. Star light. The fire of creation. The blue flame. I am the unpredictable element in this. Come on, I dare you to play with Fire.
I am Water. Wow. Now I want to be perfectly clear as I reflect upon my very nature. Fresh zest for life. Pure and simple. Voyage of discovery. I am transparent to you who has the eyes within to see and notice my very depths ... hold me in the highest space. I am energy flowing. Soft and gentle, a soothing stream. A river of reality creation. A waterfall of wonder. You hold me in your hands and allow me to flow freely. Unconditionally. Talking it downstream. Reflecting. Refreshing. Renewing. Re-imagining. Cleaning up your vibration. Look at the sparkle in my eye. Life giving. Love gifting. Looking for a way to express. Fully. Fountain of youth. From the beginning, inspiration springs. The source swimming closer to you. Inside of me is great mystery. Be, in the mystery. Take a deep breath. I know I am the essence of cool. I am a cool hunter, seeking the beauty of life. Know your joyful memories are here. I drink it up, all of it. I mirror your thoughts and feelings. Your love and appreciation I reflect back to you. You shine. Relax and let go, I will support you. Know, and Trust. I am Water and I feel, deeply. I am life. Pure liquid love. Like the relationship with source. Fantasy lover. Feeding your dream seeds. Opening the heart of you. So that you may blossom and grow ever more. You I adore. Tap in. Be more. Oceans of well-being await you. I never run out. Stand in the stream. Be reborn. You turn me on. In every now. WOW, I am Water, and the experience defines me, washes over me. I am the possibility of being unstoppable. Heaven Yes! Go with the current. Drink in the deliciousness of the moment. I have great strength and stamina. I am the alluring element of innocence. Crystal clarity. With me, create new rivers of reality. Efficiently. Effectively. See the diversity of colors I contain. In me you can see the rainbow you're wanting to feel. Sun shine makes me hotter. Bathe in the beauty. Dreams really do come true. I am blue, reflected in the sky. The blue planet. Join me, on the ride of your life! I love you.
I am Wind. Blue skies. True upliftment. Barely a whisper, wake up. Fly free. We are the same, you and me. So be it, who you really are. I am, like a warm gentle breeze off the ocean. Like the heart beat of a butterfly's wings. Intriguingly invisible, I kiss my own skin and ruffle my beautiful hair, with flair. I blow a kiss to my self in the mirror. I love you. I am floating on air. I can tickle all senses as I lift your vibration past high. I have huge power. In all dimensions. I am forever. Feeling of adventure. It really doesn't matter where I am. What I feel matters. I am softness and strength. True freedom. Forgiveness. Feeling of connection. Fresh and Fun! For the joy of it! I could kiss the sky! Flow in and around and up and down. I am Wind and I live to give movement to The Force. I am Connectedness to All-That-Is. I love to give mystery to the elements. I am the whisper in the woods, wanting to uplift. I dance with the trees. Laugh with the leaves. Smell the roses. I am the fragrance in the air. Heaven sent. Breathe it in. Deeper. I hug your body. I revolve around the direction of your thoughts. What are you seeing in all of this? Will I be still or will I flow? Oh to know.
I am Earth. Fertile imagination. A touchstone for joy. Down-to-earth. Trust. I know who you really are. I believe there is more in you. You are the best and your imagination makes manifest. The gravity of what I am about to do cannot be seen or felt. And, you can see and feel it. It can be sensed and it keeps us grounded, you and I. Indeed you can sense it in spades. Dance on the surface, and, dig deeper, dance to the delicious beat of internal inspiration. It will give us even more purpose, you and I. Feel the pulse. I love you. I am your rock. Helping you maintain your balance. Harmony and cosy certainty. Infinite possibility. I am anchored in love and appreciation. The most powerful of all magnets. Love will keep us whole and beautiful and real and we build on that. I nurture all that you hold in your heart. I run my hands through my soul. I love the feel of it. It is warm, light-hearted, and feels good. Full of fresh possibilities. Naturally you'll know what I mean. I am calm and peace. Paving stones to freedom. I am Earth. At the heart of the expansion of the universe. I am firm in my conscious commitment to our Cyres World. I feel the foundation. Co-Creation. It is rooted in my heart, deep to my soul. My intentions are planted. You plant your dream seeds in my grounding. You blossom in my depths. Orchards of Love are planted forward. Focus and watch them grow. I am thankful for the future. Make your way to the leading edge and play on the edge of the edge with me. I am Earth. And I am ready to rock your world.
I Am Cyres
Create Your Reality Experience Self
In a world of ostracism, Reaction in an irrational vision Of nationalism is a mission of fear, Stay clear, steer your decisions, It's your commitment to listen To your inner vision, Create Your Reality Experience Self, Do away with dualities, envision your wealth, It's this freedom of thought that determines your health, Look inside to your soul when you're looking for help, Realize with your mind you're designing your shell, You're developing talents, balancing all that's felt, All that's held in thought creates your realm, You're the captain at the helm, Choosing heaven or hell, Live your life as a paradise, or live in a cell, Life is far from a paradox, you get what you sell, You get what you build, Now tap into the field, Visualize who you are and it'll become real.
Create Your Reality Experience Self, What Can I Do To Empower Myself, For My Mind And My Spiritual Health, Yo Society We Got To Get Well.
Create Your Reality Experience Self, What Can I Do To Empower Myself, For My Mind And My Spiritual Health, Yo Society We Got To Get Well.
If you could be any way you wanted to be, Then how would you be, What do you need for you to believe, If you could see that underneath everything ever achieved, Were little particles of thought energy, We're entering a new frame mentally, So please proceed with the greatest thoughts you conceive, No matter how small the actions if you succeed, After you add them all up you've lived successfully, Especially if you focus intensively, On the image of the life that you want to lead, You want to leave no detail incomplete, And follow your thought with action consistently, Cause entropy is offset simply, By faith and greatness was once just a seed, And just degrees away from death / disease, The choice is yours, for yourself you've got to live your dream.
Create Your Reality Experience Self, What Can I Do To Empower Myself, For My Mind And My Spiritual Health, Yo Society We Got To Get Well.
Create Your Reality Experience Self, What Can I Do To Empower Myself, For My Mind And My Spiritual Health, Yo Society We Got To Get Well.
Desde El Pensamiento Nace Todo El Poder, Crea Tu Realidad Sienta Tu Ser, Cada Hombre Tiene Su Propio Deber, Crea Tu Realidad Sienta Tu Ser, De Tu Pensamiento Nace Todo El Poder, Crea Tu Realidad Sienta Tu Ser.
Create Your Reality Experience Self, What Can I Do To Empower Myself, For My Mind And My Spiritual Health, Yo Society We Got To Get Well.
Create Your Reality Experience Self, What Can I Do To Empower Myself, For My Mind And My Spiritual Health, Yo Society We Got To Get Well.
Create Your Reality Experience Self, What Can I Do To Empower Myself, For My Mind And My Spiritual Health, Yo Society We Got To Get Well.
Create Your Reality Experience Self, What Can I Do To Empower Myself, For My Mind And My Spiritual Health, Yo Society We Got To Get Well.
What can I do to empower you?
Every time the bell rings .....

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

"The importance of allies
The warrior of light who does not share with others the happiness of his choices will never come to know his own qualities and shortcomings. So before you start anything, find allies – people who are interested in what you are doing. I am not saying "Find other warriors of light." I am saying: "Find people with different skills, because a warrior's fight for his dream is no different from any other path that is followed with enthusiasm." Your allies will not necessarily be those people that everyone looks at in admiration and says: "there is nobody better." Much to the contrary, they are people who are not afraid of making mistakes, so they make lots of mistakes. That is why what they do is not always praised or acknowledged. Yet this is the type of person that changes the world and after many a mistake manages to get something right that will make all the difference to their community. Allies are people who cannot hang around waiting for things to happen and later decide on the best attitude to take: they decide as they go along, even knowing that this type of behavior is very risky. Living with allies is important for a warrior of light; together, they all understand that before choosing the objective they are free to change their mind. But after the objective has been decided upon, they focus only on the steps they have to take. And they think as they go along: "each step requires a lot of effort, but it's worth the risk, it's worth betting one's very life." The best allies are those that do not think like most people. That is why, when looking for companions to share the enthusiasm of the dream, it is important to believe in intuition and pay no attention to others' comments. Most human beings always judge others using their own limitations as the model – and sometimes the opinion of the majority is full of prejudice and fear. Join all those who experiment, take risks, fall, get hurt and then take risks again. Stay away from those who affirm truths, who criticize those that do not think like they do, who have never taken a step without being sure that they would be respected for that, and who prefer the comfort of certainty to the tension of doubt. Join those who expose themselves and are not afraid of being vulnerable: these watch what their neighbor is doing, not to judge him but rather to admire him for his dedication and courage. Perhaps the warrior feels tempted to think that his dream does not interest everyone, such as bakers and farmers, for example. But in the warrior they will have a good example of perseverance and courage. And a baker can teach a lot of things, such as the exact mixture of the ingredients, which is based more on intuition than technique. A farmer can show the importance of patience, sweat, respect for the seasons, and the futility of cursing storms – because that is a sheer waste of time. Therefore, each one of us has something different to teach, and it is all these differences added together that we call "wisdom". Join with those who are flexible and understand the road signs. These are people who do not hesitate to change direction when they come across an insurmountable barrier or when they spot a better opportunity. They possess the quality of water: getting around rocks, adapting to the flow of the river, sometimes changing into a lake – until the hollow is full and it can continue on its path, because water never forgets that its destiny is the sea and that sooner or later that is where it has to reach. Join those who have never said: "that's it, I have to stop here." Because just as winter is followed by spring, nothing can stop, and the warrior's road is an endless path. After achieving his objective, he finds another challenge, and it is necessary to start all over again, always using everything he has learned while traveling along. Join with those who sing, tell stories, enjoy life and have joy in their eyes. Because happiness is contagious and always manages to prevent people from becoming paralyzed by depression, loneliness and difficulties. Join those who walk with their head held high, even though they have tears in their eyes. Stay away from those who hold their head high because they have never shed a tear, never looked to the sides. A true warrior of light does not confuse arrogance and authority, joy and superficiality, persistence and impatience. He has his doubts and at times feels oppressed by loneliness, but he knows that there are many people who think like he does, and that it is just a matter of time until he finds his true allies." "Warrior of the Light, a publication."
Will you BE a true Cyres Ally?
Building a worldwide community of Caring Creativity.
"Hospitality is a cornerstone of Cyres Life."
Getting in touch with The Wonders of Life ...
Cyres Community. A strong progressive community.
You! Embracing the entire globe, as we are all One energy. You make The Cafe of Dreams. Grow with us. Experience the opportunity to learn, grow, explore, and express yourself. Be Your Cafe of Dreams.
Global gathering in 2008. Hearts here are open to ...
Create Your Reality Experience Self appreciators.
Real, authentic, natural, genuine people. Hearts that appreciate open and honest dialogue.
Those who seek their dreams.
Like minds and Lovers of Life.
People who are growing in appreciation of the value of personal experience ... and Joy and Freedom in our own self.
People who consciously connect and those who think with their hearts. People who appreciate and expand their imagination. Those who are wanting to discover the true depths of awakening. The open minded and the open hearted. People who follow their bliss. Hearts who feel innocence. People who live without judgement and personify forgiveness. People working on a grassroots level to build peace and prosperity. People who pick a path that has not yet been traveled. People who are passionate and compassionate. Thrill seekers. People who know they are a vibrational being. Minds exploring the richness of an idea. People leading innovation. People who dare to dare. Minds that believe in miracles. Conscious Creators ... Deliberate Attractors ... Allowers ...
Artists who would love to contribute to the Cyres atmosphere.
Bakers. Farmers. Heroes. Healers. Storytellers. Dreamers. Doers. Designers. Seekers. Speakers. Scientists. Songwriters. Musicians. Inventors. Aesthetes. Architects. Adventurers. Authors. Philosophers. Filmmakers. Funtrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs. Explorers. Bloggers. Peace builders. Partners. Poets. Technologists. Travellers. Tastemakers. Questioners. Cool Hunters. Cafe Culture Lovers. The Crazy Ones. Genius. ....
Change makers around the globe.
Anyone around the world who makes a difference to the places and spaces we use every day.
People who seek out meaning, and, more importantly, truth.
Our Cyres Cafe Family, Friends and Neighbours in Antwerp and beyond.
Dreams are the food of the soul. Who's eating at The Cafe of Dreams today?..

My Blog

The Hearts of Cyres World~Beating to the The Rhythm of One

Peace City~Cyres World Virtual Reality ..Life in the virtual world of Peace City/Cyres World and whatit means to its citizens.The Cool Way to Consciously PlayTune into Love and Experience...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Feb 2009 11:57:00 GMT

Stewart St. John Woods in Cyres World

Stewart St. John (see Cyres Worlds St. John Woods) has launched another website, www.StewartStJohnLight.comStewart wrote on this new site about St. John Woods:Stewart St. John WoodsLast year I had th...
Posted by on Sun, 11 Jan 2009 05:36:00 GMT

Stewart St. John Light ~ Expansion at its very best

Cyres Worlds Stewart St. John, of St. John Woods fame, our dear Friend, has launched a new YouTube Channel, Welcome to the official Stewart St. John Light channel...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Jan 2009 05:19:00 GMT

Surfing Cyres!

A Friend of Cyres went to Kaua'i last year and subscribed to a newsletter while there.  Great was her surprise to see that in the newsletter, "HeartBeat of Kaua'i", received when back in Belgium...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Jan 2009 09:22:00 GMT


In the previous Happy New Blog Post, we explored resolutions, another word for intentions.  Here let's look further at one of the processes that can be practiced to help make resolutions rea...
Posted by on Sat, 03 Jan 2009 23:47:00 GMT

Resolutions to Reality

Have you resolved yet how Your New Year will be? What is the spirit in which you're going to live your life this year? Wherever you are in your life now, it's only temporary and life can get better....
Posted by on Thu, 01 Jan 2009 09:40:00 GMT

Abraham Through Esther Hicks Speaks About Stewart St. John!

'Listen to the non-physical energy Abraham, speaking through Esther Hicks, recount the delicious coming together of Stewart's involvement in the Sara project with Jerry & Esther Hicks. Stewa...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Dec 2008 20:37:00 GMT

Abraham Channeled Through Music By Stewart St. John

Posted by on Fri, 28 Nov 2008 13:09:00 GMT

Abraham Appreciation Station Live: Tune In

Feeling fabulous and frisky as I fly here to keep you informed .. another aspect of Cyres World officially opens today! The Abraham Appreciation Station.I really care about this creative and exciting ...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Nov 2008 15:28:00 GMT

e Connie on Oprah e Connie Talbot on The Oprah Winfrey Show November 17th e

Connie Talbot on The Oprah Winfrey Show
Posted by on Sat, 15 Nov 2008 12:50:00 GMT