verbatim profile picture


I am here for Friends

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

fx makeup artists, mostly.


is my hot, hot sex.


kill bills, french kiss, strictly ballroom, me and you and everyone we know, heathers, fight club, la haine, amelie, girl 6, series 7: the contenders, good will hunting, the big leboswki, anchorman, the exorcist, the 40 year old virgin, i heart huckabees


venture bros, 30 rock, nature shit, and a japanese cartoon meant for twelve year old girls. oh, and yelling out the answers during jeopardy.


IT, oryx and crake,ah fuck it basically anything by stephen king or margaret atwood, elvis and me, the time traveller's wife, the prophet, personal velocity, lightning field, look both ways, puffball, the birthday of the world, on being a photographer.

My Blog

dear maryland,

thanks for a great six weeks. as much as i am loathe to leave you and all the people i love who live here, it's time. thanks for cooking parties in dc, dirty river sunshine adventures, polka dot mafia...
Posted by verbatim on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 10:05:00 PST

this is really long but it's a fairly comprehensive update..

1. i was so so so happy here this semester until LITERALLY the moment i decided to apply for the mfa program after all. then it was panicattackpanicattackpanicattack. then i had a meeting with my crit...
Posted by verbatim on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 09:18:00 PST

science vs romance

i am back in california, which is nice but also strange and difficult. that's pretty much, i think, the major difference between california and maryland for me. maryland at this point is neither stran...
Posted by verbatim on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 04:42:00 PST

viruses and reptiles: both higher than us on the food chain.

so i'm sick as a goddamn dog. this happens to me yearly, like clockwork, every time winter break rolls around. i almost never get sick otherwise, but between mid-december and mid-january my body just ...
Posted by verbatim on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 10:11:00 PST


there are two simultaneous dialogues in my head and neither of them are entirely sane. or, to put it another way: i am freaking out because i am freaking out. i am halfway through the semester and wha...
Posted by verbatim on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 10:38:00 PST