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Your 1950s Name is:
Vivian Naomi
What's your 1950s Name?Reading, soccer, softball, writing, long walks, laughing, bowling, scrapbooking
Anyone; just friends though. I'm happily taken so friends is the only thing I am good for lol. I have the sweetest boyfriend in the world. He treats me better than any guy ever has. I wish that I could be with him more often than I am. We have been together a little over two months right now. He is a little older than me and I think that is part of why we get along so well. Sadly, he lives a little over an hour away so in bad weather conditions we don't get to see each other much and we only see each other once a week if we are lucky as it is. Well, I know that no one wants to sit and read this so yeah...
Just about anything; it depends on my mood.Take the quiz:
what color rose does you soul have*PICS*
The red rose
yous is the red rose you have love for many and think there might be a god but your not yet sure you cant stand to know that people you love are hurtting because it hurts you also so you try to make them happy in any way you can
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Failure to Launch, The Family Stone, the Terminal, and Rent.. ..
Will and Grace, Tyra, Dr. Phil, Roseanne
Prom, Speak, No Laughter Here, Kissing Brendan Callahan
My best friends--Victoria, Ciara, Mandy, Rachel, Brad, Susan, and Erica, and anyone I forgot....