At the age of 6, he started playing keyboards and piano - by ear, without any lessons at all. The real adventure had begun at the age of 15 and after a few years of progression, he made his way to a freelance composer. He moved to Berlin and started to work on a good amount of full time projects – games, animations, commercials and finally: trailers.Nowadays, Boris a workaholic music composer and wrote a vast amount of music for inumerable international projects. This mainly includes movie trailers, commercials, publishing music, audiobooks, PC and console games. Clients include Immediate Music, Killertracks, Warner Bros., MTV, Disney, Nickelodeon, Wilkinson Sword, and more.With his overall passion for electronic and contemporary orchestral music, he simply loves to create a rich sound which is big, magical and emotional at the same time.[LOVEMYFLASH]