Uh skate 'n' do random crap az it comez to my mind
Someone who doesnt have problems...damn it i may as well give up
group X like Schfifty Five Metalica, audioslave, NIN A Perfict Circle, Alien Ant Farm G'n'R, Velvet Revolver, Rage, the killers, modest mouse crystal method, Zeppelin Lifehouse, LP, Red hot chili peppers The Sound of Urchin, GorillazPretty much name any rock or acoustic band
Edward Sizzorhands, TOTAL RECAL, Donny Darko, Last Action Hero, HORROR, DARK COMEDY CRAZY (Gnarls Barkley)
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family guy and the simpsons thats it I adopted a cute lil' ninja fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
The Theif Of Always anything by Clive Barker that guy's tha shizzznat