.:*iTsCaRoLiNaB!TcH!*:. profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

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  WeLl My NaMe "iTsCaRoLiNaB!TcH!" AiNt No OnE lIke MeN-E wAyZ lIkE i SaId My NaMe Is CaRoLiNa I lIvE iN hOnKyToNk OaKlAhOmA iN a Li'ReD nEcKtOwN cAlLeD pIeDmOnT bUt WhO gIvEs A fUcK!!!!!! No OnE cArEs AbOuT pIeDmOnT eVeN iF u LiVe HeRe! lIeRS iF u SaY u Do! FuCk WhAt To TeLl U gUyZ wElL i MoVeD hErE fRoM SaNtA cLaRiTa In La ThE fUcKiN cOoLeSt PlAcE eVeR! i LoVe AlL My HoMiEs,fAmIlIa,My CuZsIs ToO fOr ThOsE wHo DoNt KnO wHo ThAt Is "ItAnG!EpUtOs!"I hAvE A tHiNg FoR dOrKy PeOpLe bAsIcLy N-e OnE wHo CaN mAkE mE lAuGh So HaRd I cAn PeE iN mY pAnTs,N-E oNe DoWn FoR a WHaT eVeR wHeN eVeR hOw EveR!!!!!!!!!!!!! fUcK aLl ThE hAtErS eSpEcIaLlY tHoSe FuCkIn OkAlAhOmA bItCheS WhO hAtE oN mE,FuCkIn HaTe Me AlL U wAnT iLl StIlL bE mE..... i DiDnT kNo I mAtTeR sO mUcH tO aLl YoU hOoD rAtS fUcK yOu AlL!!!!!!!!!!! aNd ThAtS tHaT i PuT iT aLl OuT tHeRe I DoNt GiVe A fUcK wHaT u SaY... aNd FoR aLl WhO lOvE mE oRaLe PuES bIg UpS tO aLl U LuCkY pEoPlE yOu ArE tHe LuCkY fEw WhO hAvE sHaReD a BoTtLe Of JaCk,CoRoNa,BaCaRdI,jOsE,eL jImAdoR,sAuZa.......EcT.W/mE i lOvE tO dAnCe I cAn DaNcE tO wHaT eVer I wAnT tO aNd If I cAnT gIvE mE a CoUpLe Of ShOtS aNd I wIlL...... sHoEs,sUnGlAsSeS,eArRiNGs R mY fEtIsH U cAn FiNd Me In A gOoDwIlL oR tHe MaLl I dOnT dIsCrImInAtE wHeN iT cOmEs To ShOpPiN i AlWaYz FiNd WhAt I wAnT! wElL mOrE aBoUt Me Im PrEtTy KiCkBaCk I gO wItH tHe FlOw,I gUeSs U cAn SaY iM a HiPpY i wOrK aT tHe MaLl In PaCsUn AnD aT mY cHuRcH tAkIn CaRe Of BaBiEs............. I rEaLlY dOnT kNo HoW tHeY GaVe Me tHaT jOb ThOsE r GoNnA bE sOmE sIcK aNd TwIsTeD kIdS lOl aNd I gUeSs THaTs AlL fOr NoW iF u WaNnA geT tO kNo Me JuS hIt Me Up

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I rEaLy DoNt CaRe Az LoNg Az Ur DoWn WiTh Me

.+*OlD sKoOL*+. DaMn We WeRe FuCkIn GaNgStAS bAcK tHeN tOo .+*G!rL !N A CoMa*+.They ask us why we mutilate each other like we do And wonder why we hold such little worth for human life Facing all this drama But to ask us why we to turn from bad to worse Is to ignore from which we came You see you wouldn't ask why the rose that grew from the concrete had damaged petals On the contrary We would all celebrate its tenacity We would all love its will to reach the sun Well We are the roses This is the concrete And these are my damaged petals Don't ask me why Thank god Ask me how

How to make a Carolina Escobar
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts arrogance
5 parts beauty
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add lustfulness to taste! Do not overindulge!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.comMy IdOl
What Is Your Movie Kiss?


The Notebook
Your movie kiss is the Notebook!
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com

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