I'm afree spirit I'm also a student,girl,daughter,sister, friend,slave of God,dreamer etc I'm interested in every kind of art: I love to draw my world... I love animals and nature It's my email address [email protected] feel free to talk to me anytime! GoD BleSS Y'all
It's mine - if u like it or not please let me know ;) * * *Show me humanity
Then I will show you the truth
Show me humanity in war
in killing people oppressing them and forcing them
to flee from their homes
There's no humanity in it
Show me humanity in closing
our eyes on what is happening
in the world
Show me humanity in silent permission
for genocide in Palestine
There's no humanity in it
Show me humanity
in that some people are tasting tranquility everyday
and other instead of tranguility are tasting
suffering,fear and death
There's no humanity in it
Show me humanity in malnutrition and hunger
which are the reasons why
many people round the world are starving and dying
while the rest of the world
is spending money on fast cars,
big mansions, fashionable clothes and other
meaningless things
"West" people are living in luxury
and sometimes they even throw bread away
so it can be found amongst rubbish
I can't see humanity in it
Show me humanity in torturing and killing
defenceless animals only for their
meat, fur or ivory
often for the money or other benefits
as a man usually does
sometimes of boredom and sometimes ...
just for fun!
I can't see humanity in it
Show me humanity in deforestation
while the area of rainforest and other woods is declining
at a horrific rate every year
Show me humanity in wasting tons of paper everyday
while a great deal of children haven't got books on their own
Books -to help them learn how to read
and to teach them about the world they live in
There's no humanity in it
Show me humanity in devastating environment
in so many ways which only a man could invented
There's no humanity in it
As you can see
there's no trace of humanity in all things mentioned
Nevertheless, I will show you the truth
because the truth has to be shown
Humanity is when you see injustice
and you want it to stop
Humanity is when you help someone who is
really in need of your assistance
Humanity is when you know that someone is suffering
and you're not staying indifferent to that but conversely -
you don't know how to forget about it
Real humanity is in you
If you can find it in yourself
then you can also find the truth
You just have to seek for it
Look for it in your mind...
Search for it in your heart...
Find it in your soul
You want to know the truth
It has always been a part of your being
- like humanity -
When you will find humanity
Then you will find the truth...
the sign...
the path...
   You will find God!
God is the truth...
God is the way, the post, the path....
He had given you humanity
and asked you to use it
So why don't you?
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