Ab ovo.
From the beginning.
From the egg.
Usually a metal band with members of teen-years old, would get criticised and abandoned because they collide with the commercial clot in which they pursue. Being a band made behind the curtains and away from the fashion, every word written from the mind, heart and soul, Ab Ovo write in confidence of themselves and take no shit from the fuckers who follow the next man. With a sound ready to drown an audience within their own fearless emotions, they want to light a slight spark for a change within the Metal scene.
'We are still in search of a super tech fast bassist with all the tricks and skills. If anyone is interested at all please get in contact with us. Nevertheless we are going to keep pushing even without one. PEACE'
"Fear is dangerous because its contagious" words proven by the genre 'EMO', forget it. Love, Power, Respect, Freedom, these are the words that I, and you, should live from.
Heres our banner code. Safe!