Don't act like you care. i see right throught your string like booble and I see fear. I smell fear and it smells like the sweet caress of cheese on a beautiful winter's eve. lift your head to the breeze , I say. Don't say you think I'm hot or ugly....just say Hello, Booble but! and eat a tortilla as you dance the hours away in your private galbladder. I can't spell and I don't care. ajdkfa. so there, plump poopernickle. If you're kind and don't sexually harass me, I'll be kind to you. don't be sick. don't think those thoughts that swim through your mind during bathroom break and supper. fooble the nooble I say,...its a happy day for canoobling. If you want to know more about me....ask. I'm not sexy, I'm a human being.
young jimmy. he is a not just a human being. he is great and powerful....being. what? you know this to be true young ones.