About Me
Lets see, about me... My name is Myke (Yes that is a "y"). I'm 29 years old, living on Long Island. I like Video games, Music, art, history, Computers, food, sleeping, breathing etc. I currently work at a Bank, But i've also been a mall employee (pity me) and worked for WLIR (Miss ya!). I also Work on Cars and build computers. I'm 5'11" and 140lbs in case ya wondering. I also study and practice Tarot and Astrology, along with other things. I've traveled to many places, London, Paris, and Ireland. I Survived 13 years of Catholic school (pity me again!) I Graduated Nassau College on May 20th 2001 with an associates in Arts. I've also written 2 books, and am currently writing my Autobiography. IM me on AIM as Myke516 or on Yahoo Messenger as Myke5161. - - -"Ever Bound to the Principles of Truth, Love and Courage" - - -Rules of Engagement - Please Read1. I dont accept "friends me's" from people that live halfway across the country or right next door for that matter, if you dont at least send me a message or two first. You must talk to me at least!!! No, I am not here to make you the most popular person in the myspace universe (that posistion has already been filed by ME hehe j/k), nor am I here to help your sorry ass become what you think is a "Model" or "actress" or whatever you think you are. This is a place to comunicate and to meet new friends, old friends, lovers, enemies etc. I am not here for your popularity contest!2. Bands... why are you here? Go play. Unless I know your band and actually like your band, you wont find much support here. I dont need my inbox slammed with your petty requests. I support local artists, dont get me wrong, but I have to know you a bit more to put you on my friends list3. Sex crazed females that I have no idea who you are... stop hounding me. I am tired of getting "you so hot" or "ware you at" or "you mad fly lookin" or whatever other sorts of sorry excuses for hit ons in my inbox daily. Some of you are like 12 anyway so go away. I am here for anything but that doesnt mean I am going to date you meet you or whatever with you.4. On that subject, yes I do happen to have many friends that also happen to be of the Female persuasion. Many of my friends are girls but I dont have many girlfriends! Hence I am not a player or a cheater or a pimp or whatever retarted things you can think up with next. If you cant seem to understand, its your loss, not mine.5. I periodicly go on searches looking for cool people that I'd like to talk to, both guys and girls. But Guys, I am not gay so calm down homophobes. Not every guy that wants to talk to another guy on myspace is gay (less then 5% of the american population is homosexual) ... and girls, get over yourself, I am not looking to dive into your pants, I am looking to dive into your heart as a friend. I dont care if you have a Boyfriend or what ever I just look for cool peoples to talk to every now and then. I really shouldnt have to say any of this...6. Webcam Chicks... go to hell, nuff said.7. If you randomly E-mail me and I dont know you and you want to talk about anything, I will! I dont turn people away because I dont know them, that would be stupid. Keep the dialouge going and we'll become friends, and thats what its all about.8. Use proper grammar please. Spelling doesnt count but I am tired of reading entire emails about any subject that reads like "Yo wht da deel? u goin to brew or sum sum sum place 2nite, & if soo wen @????!!?11?1" This isnt a text message people! I dont speak freaky deeky Moron!9. Ok here it comes... Drinking. Now, I'm not against drinking, I am not a huge fan of drunkeness however. I find it very unattractive to see myspace pages that every single picture is of them drunk off their ass, drinking, or "pregaming" what ever the hell that means. Listen lushes, we all like to have a good time, but showing the world that you are a drunk is not what most guys look for. You put yourself down like that.10. Clothing! Come on! Damn! This one shouldnt have to be said either, but here it goes. This goes out to both Genders too. Ladies, prancing around you digital cam half naked in all of your pics is not bright. One or a two, ok, we all have our own sexy pics (I have a thing for Lingerie.. I concider that completely acceptible for ladies to wear in pics ;) But if your entire myspace is dedicated to your sexiness (or apparent lack thereof) thats just sad. Do you do anything else in life besides try and look sexy? Do you collect stamps maybe? Tell us about your family and friends. What to do you like to watch on TV? Read a good book latley? Do more then just try to give every myspace guy a hard on, ok? And Guys... put a damn shirt on!!!! its seems that 1 out of every 5 guys on myspace has his main pic shirtless. No one wants to count your abs. Guys put your shirts on, we all know that men also have nipples, thanks for sharing! This also brings me to my next rant... Wear decent clothing! No pjs! I CANT STAND seeing girls wearing PJs in public... I think that is so damn trashy. Put some jeans on or something, you arent 12 anymore. Anyway thats more in life then it is on myspace so I am just rambling!Anyway I dont mean to sound harsh, becuase thats what I am not about, but these are just some tibits of things I've picked up over the years, so a little thinking goes a long way! Love ya all though!