MATAIO STYLEZ is 138.257% SAMOAN...its a long story...hmmm??? He is very easy to get along with (especially if you offer him a drink); he's a laid-back, chilled, relaxed individual...many can vouch for that; he values GOD and family...close friends are considered family, if your just a friend...then go buy me (oops, i mean HIM) some beer or a handle of you-know-what (your choice MY FRIEND)...MR STYLEZ loves sports, kickin'it with his AIGA, supporting the CHARGERS, working out, poetry, writing, impressing his girlfriend, music, movies(behind-the-scenes, the making, commentaries...the entire package), partying, making people laugh (most of the laughing is AT him, not WITH him...hmmm???), BBQs, donating to the NLF(Night Life Fund), bumpin ABCDE tracks, more partying, travelling, trying new things, SUSHI and SEAFOOD, Monsters (the drink idiot), and last but definitely not least...there is a rumor that he is what people like to refer to as a TRUE DOMINOLOGIST ...hmmm??? ...and for the rest of the all just have to find out for yourself...SUCKAZ!!!ABCDE at Wasted Space inside Hard Rock Hotel