Ana Torres-Alvarez (Directora) profile picture

Ana Torres-Alvarez (Directora)

Motivation will almost always beat mere talent

About Me

Soy de Granada, pero he estado una larga temporada en Inglaterra. Comencé mi estudios en Granada y Barcelona para terminarlos en Inglaterra en la LFS y la Universidad de Westminster pero, de hecho comencé a temprana edad viendo todo el cine a mi alcance.
Mi primer corto, GRANADA: AGUA SIN PAUSA, rodado con una cámara casera y montado con dos videos, fue seleccionado para su exhibición en el Primer Certamen Val Del Omar en Granada.
Mi primer corto completamente independiente, la comedia musical DIVINE INSPIRATION (INSPIRACION DIVINA) ha sido exhibido en varios festivales en EEUU, Canadá e Inglaterra y, el segundo, A MATTER OF HAIR (UN ASUNTO PELIAGUDO) ha sido también exhibido en diferentes festivales en Inglaterra, Canadá, EEUU e India, programado en TV y ahora ha salido a la venta y alquiler en DVD en Inglaterra y EEUU.
He dirigido mi primer documental largo, LIVE SALON WITH FAISAL ABDU'ALLAH , encargado por la Hayward Gallery de Londres, y ahora tengo varios proyectos tanto largos como cortos.
Llamé a mi productora THE ALE & QUAIL CLUB FILMS como homenaje al director Preston Sturges.
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Estos son los nuevos proyectos en los que estoy involucrada/At the moment I've involved in several projects in different stages of development, :
BRIAN & LUCIFER... AND KEV un corto escrito por Steven Griffiths y producido por The Ale & Quail Club Films en co-producción con Garganta Productions y con la colaboración de Horns & Tails Productions, mezcla de animación y acción real. Está en fase de producción.
A short film written by Steven Griffiths and produced by The Ale & Quail Club Films in co-production with Garganta Productions and the collaboration of Horns & Tails Productions, mixing live action and animation. It's curretly on production.
SWISH Documental sobre baloncesto en el Reino Unido producido por The Ale & Quail Club Films. Hasta este momento han tomado parte el equipo de baloncesto de la BBL London United, los chicos de los London Predators, el jugador Mat Bryant, los miembros de Streetball Extreme, los presentadores del programa NBA on Five Mark Webster y Andre Alleyne y el equipo sub-18 de Inglaterra con su estrella Ryan Richards. Estamos a la búsqueda de entrevistas con jugadores del equipo nacional, incluyendo la estrella de la NBA Luol Deng y organizaciones deportivas. También estamos buscando un editor que le dé un aire hip-hopero a este documental
A feature documentary about basketball in the UK produced by The Ale & Quail Club Films. Until now, have taken part: London United, London Predators, the college player and future star Mat Bryant, the team of Streetball Extreme, Mark Webster and Andre Alleyne, presenters of TV program NBA on Five and the U-18 England Team with its star, Ryan Richards and we are looking for interviews with players of the GB Team including NBA star Luol Deng, basketball legends and organizations.
Hay mas proyectos en busca de productores interesados en su desarrollo/There're other projects looking for producers interested in develop them.

My Interests

New York

I'd like to meet:

Producers who wish to know about me and help to develop wonderful and commercial stories and talented people to make them possible.


I've born in Granada (Spain), but I've been living in London for 8 years. I started my training in Granada and Barcelona and I finished it in the UK at the LFS and Westminster University but, in fact my training started when I was little watching films every time I had the chance.
My first short, GRANADA: AGUA SIN PAUSA, shot with a Home Video Camera and edited with two VCRs was selected for exhibition at the first Val Del Omar Festival in Granada (Spain).
A Matter of Hair
My first short as an independent, the musical comedy DIVINE INSPIRATION has been screened in several festivals in USA, Canada and UK, and the second one, A MATTER OF HAIR has been screened in festivals in the UK, Canada, USA and India, also broadcast on TV and now released on DVD for sale and rental in the UK and USA.
Don't Jump the Queue (2001)
I've finished my first feature documentary, LIVE SALON WITH FAISAL ABDU'ALLAH , commissioned by the Hayward Gallery and now I've got several projects on slate.
Divine Inspiration (2002)
My company was called THE ALE & QUAIL CLUB FILMS as a tribute to director Preston Sturges.


Television is really bad these days, specially in the UK, full of reality TV. My preferences are:

In Spain I enjoy watching basketball and my sister doing crazy stuff like this one:


And History books and all about who really was behind this:


My Blog

Check out my new project: Hoopin' In London

This is the first trailer of the feature documentary I'm filming right now. If you know any streetball players interestedin taking part just let me know. At the moment the team London Predators and th...
Posted by Ana Torres-Alvarez (Directora) on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 06:39:00 PST

Hoopin' In London (Day 4) and other projects

After three days filming with London United, now the pace has changed, yesterday was the turn of London Tigers, a group of youngters who love basketball and get together to enjoy 'the beautiful game'....
Posted by Ana Torres-Alvarez (Directora) on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 04:05:00 PST

Hoopin' In London (Day 2)

Second day of shooting and a new game, this time against Leicester Riders. On this ocassion I decided to film the whole game and it resulted a good filming day. I've got really good shots, the game wa...
Posted by Ana Torres-Alvarez (Directora) on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 03:51:00 PST

Hoopin' In London (Day 1)

Saturday was the first day of filming. It was a match against London United and Milton Keynes Lions. London won, I got really good shots and interviews of players Marlin Capers and Marcus Knight. I'm ...
Posted by Ana Torres-Alvarez (Directora) on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 03:47:00 PST