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About Me

These days the twenty-one year old Levin releases a new EP called “Information Overload”. The new CD sounds totally different from his old productions: On “Information Overload” he mixes Jazz with Pop, Rock and R’n’B and creates an own and unique style.

He started playing the guitar when he was six. Today he plays the guitar, piano, drums, bass and even accordion. Aside playing instruments he began with songwriting.

He performed in various bands and choirs in Switzerland and abroad.

After two successful releases in the past two years (first album “Summer Inspiration” sold out, video clip ten weeks on viva etc.) the journey continues…

Have a look at my other pages:

My Interests


Member Since: 27/01/2007
Band Website: www.levinmusic.com
Band Members:

Levin Deger Mediterranean Sextett:

Levin: Guitars, Oud & Voice Andreas Schmid: Percussion, Drums
André Buser: Bass
Donat Deger: Accordion
Oliver Roth: Flute
Ernesto Cortazar: Guitars

Sounds Like:
Levin - Divan

Levin - Information Overload

CMD&Deger MC - Summerhitz

Levin - Summer Inspiration
Record Label: CMD Records
Type of Label: Indie

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