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I am here for Friends

About Me

im a 24 year old child. i love tRYing new tHings, meetINGnew people, and learning about people.. I love music, singing horribly, seeing animals, nature walks I like drinking beer, watching cable whenever anyone lets me near their t.v. because we dont be gotting one. Both of my little sisters are new mothers, so i am suposed tO be an adult. i love god but am not very religious. i like to sleep, read, not brush my hair.. i love to relax on cold nights and drive far far away, i love learning about new things, i like eating, trying to cook, tHE LAKE, watching people having fun and being happy and my bass which i can safely say im still horrible at. i have tO SAY That im not A HARD PERSON To figure out or get along with. i like tALKing tO REALpeople.. not tHAT ive ever had a meaningful conversatION with a blow up doll or anything. in otHER words. its hard tO offend me. oh yeah, i cuss way tOO Much when im drinking. its like every otHER WORD IS AN F BOMB."if i had a shotgun, know what id do? i strait up point that shit up at the sky and shoot heaven on down for you." goes to my my melinda, leslie, matt, melody, hollywood, laura, toe, iris, mcflurry, mama diaz and burton because thats what they did for me.anything else just ask. im sometimes very hardheaded with my views.NEW SKINDRED TRACK (RATRACE)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i would marry Eddie Vedder.this man is nothing short of fucking beautiful

My Blog

one and only

my one and only would that make you number one?or number one until i found outthere is more than you under the sunwould it make me just anotherjust to think of you that way?is it wrong to feel aloneĀ i...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 23:57:00 GMT

that WARM fuzzy feeling.. from my friends

when you start getTing comfortABLE.. tHAT is when shit happens.. when you dont pay atTENTion because you just KNOW it WILL BE WAitINg for you tOmorrow.. tHATs when tHINGS FALL APART when you know in y...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 13:57:00 GMT

well guess what happenned......

i thought she would be pregnant for at least another year.. just when i start getting used to it. well no thats a lie. i was waiting for this day forever... but she pops out, well.. not completely.. h...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 22:45:00 GMT

im WAITING........

so my sister started having contractions like 4 this morning. we took her to the hospital and waited for ke EVER. the contractions started getting closer and closer together and they TOLD US TO GO HOM...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 17:15:00 GMT

if i had a dollar for everytime id lost a friend..

i would buy the best one like a cheap whore and keep them safe in my room and maybe feed them every once in a while...... just a thought..  i would buy my melinda, matt, toe, hollywood, leslie a...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 10:24:00 GMT

happy birthday to me.. and melinda finally popped!

so i had a poopish birthday but at least it was better than last year. melinda had her baby this morning prolly around 5 i think. thats when matt called at least. so CONGRATULATIONS!!!! was she born w...
Posted by on Fri, 11 May 2007 08:16:00 GMT

i am a home owner! updates..

this blog thing is sucking. so anyway i guess ill write it all again. i am a home owner now. jessica and i are working on her nursery, i miss all of you in texas i dont see. it was soo nice here for a...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 08:30:00 GMT

dont feel like home (to my friends in texas)

so guys, ive been eating non stop.. my pants barely fit me and for once jack in the box is not to blame.. BECAUSE THE NEAREST ONE IS IN CHICAGO! i hate this place! its cold, muddy and everyone is fat....
Posted by on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 12:43:00 GMT

remember to take the wrapper off the arbys before nuking..

it goes crackle buzzz crackle crackle buzz... its pretty but not healthy at all.......
Posted by on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 11:54:00 GMT


Why denyAll the troubles when combinedWith the missing linksIt don't feel likeHome now,...That you're goneAll the troublessuddenly explained infinitumYou're always wishing andNever here at HomeYouAll ...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 15:22:00 GMT