Crystal Pistol profile picture

Crystal Pistol

Baby monkeys aren't the same...

About Me

Smashing Pumpkins..... Just in time for Halloween.
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My Interests

Procrastonate. Being retarded in love with my gf. 3 Maintaining poor work ethic and shitty hygene... and she still loves me the same.I love to do a lot of shit, i just never do it, or i do it, and there too much more i want to do. I'm one of those people who say they want to die at 110 years old and actually means it.. i want to absorb all the emotions of the earth and and walk away from life feelling like i've lived to its fullest, i think only when you've expierance everything, you've really lived.i don't feel i've done that just yet, i think it will take years. and hopefully the day will come when i stop procrastonating and get off of my ass, and actually do the thing i really want to do. There just so much. why am i stoping me?

I'd like to meet:

These pics are sooooo old... oh man.


alkaline trio, yeah yeah yeahs, hot hot heat, smashing pumpkins, lords of acid, jack off jill, 7 year bitch, hole, garbage, pantera, iron maiden, slayer, himsa, bleeding through, all kinds of 80's, cindy lauper is fuckn great shit, lunachicks, coheed and cambria, kidney thieves, sleather kinney, bright eyes, the start, afi, the smiths, strokes, thursday, pat benetar, autum to ashes, the cure, bjork, bangs, omd, pretty girls make graves - horton heat, Lennon, Ani difranco, bangles, motorhead, depeche mode, le tigre, elastica, dropkick murphys, save ferris, blondie, muse, billy idol, Nena, fleetwood mac, cars, go-gos, killers....more and more.. im on a big metric kick, thanks to Diane for burning me the cd. :)




Is for meaningless cunsumption...With the news as an exceptional exception. You actually learn shit from the news, or news papers. i like bloody gorey forensic stuff too, teaches you how to track a killer in his blood puddle. :)


Anything that will keep my attention for longer than the first few pages. usually things i can learn something from, and take it with me through out life, and actually learn somthing meaningful from it.


My best friends, seriously. Kimmy, Diane. And my bro, sis, and ma. seriously are the shit..I know some really excellent people.

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My Blog

Rambling run-on.

Sometimes, i've learned, more times than less, things arent always what they seem, like the comstant taping of this keyboard as my friends, Kim, and Dave try to get the few hours of sleep before begin...
Posted by Crystal Pistol on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 05:13:00 PST

Who vomits in their hair anymore?

our senior year in High School is supposed to be "the best year of your life." Let's see how much you remember: Year :: 2000 1. Who was your best friend? Kendra Jones.... that cock dyke! ;) i still ...
Posted by Crystal Pistol on Sat, 04 Mar 2006 04:07:00 PST

the dirty shitty things about every sign

1.What is your zodiac sign? The Scorpian. 2. Have you ever dated an Aquarius? Yes, and they should re-name it A-queer-ious. Cause they're ALL goddamn queer. They are the best to date, cause they're ...
Posted by Crystal Pistol on Fri, 03 Mar 2006 03:55:00 PST

Old school trib to a friend.

Only does one see the reality of what is, when being confronted with it, being there is no escape. -So, tonight was a good night. In only ways i can truely understand. -I am the Empath, so i read abou...
Posted by Crystal Pistol on Thu, 02 Mar 2006 03:50:00 PST

Mouse Bloody Mouse.

Who wants to help me write a new song, Titled 'Mouse Bloody Mouse' Inspired by Helen, and my inability to type things correctly. :) ...3...2...1. contact! -I want it to have that whole U2 vibe thin...
Posted by Crystal Pistol on Wed, 01 Mar 2006 05:29:00 PST

Life as i know it.

Consists of this: Work....Get off work, cup of noodle here, cup of noodle there. Change into uniform, or out of uniform, work, come home, sit on ass for one hour, cup of noodle, 3 hrs of sleep.....wor...
Posted by Crystal Pistol on Sun, 26 Feb 2006 01:05:00 PST

What Impossable Means.

I'm SO stoked about my new job! Yes, i am! -Totally stoked about having two jobs, i really want another one for wednesdays and sundays too actually. :) I've felt pretty optimistic lately. its a good...
Posted by Crystal Pistol on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 12:45:00 PST


Last night, fucking rocked. Janet and Dave are so cool. She totally saved my ass from being bored out of my mind, and what better person to hang out with than her? Love that woman! :) One of the few t...
Posted by Crystal Pistol on Sat, 18 Feb 2006 03:52:00 PST


The picture with my brother, never gets fucking old. I finally got that demo today! havent even looked at it yet. or listened to it.... work makes me tired lately. -And my dumb bike got stolen yeste...
Posted by Crystal Pistol on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 12:00:00 PST


So, basically this year is off to a strange start. A lot of change is deffinantly in order, and has been occuring lately. A few things im sick of (how can this be a crystal blog, with out a rant, ri...
Posted by Crystal Pistol on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 12:30:00 PST