Buchanan High Band profile picture

Buchanan High Band


About Me

Buchanan High Band
Clovis, Ca.
This site's purpose is to inform you of who we are, what we're all about, what we play, our accomplishments, our talented members, our winter programs, and anything else that goes along with having a site. To show your support, add us, and read on to find out who we are. Enjoy all of our photos, comment away, and if you have any questions, feel free to message this site! Our band's official website is: http://www.bhsband.net/1.html. Please visit for information on our directors.
Note: Site ran by Shannon.

*Lauren Morales, *Lauren Butler, Victoria Neufield, Emily Casillas, Nicolette Dekker, Sahana Ashoknoyak, Alyssa Smith, Lauren Reid, Kristen Powell, Savannah Jones, Brittany Bergman, Melissa Muzny, Hillari Willis, Ruthie Lichtenstein, Whitney Luna, and Jessica Lopez.
Our winterguard is presenting a beautifully designed show, performing to "My Immortal", by Evanessence, designed by their director, Sean Lopez [rhapsody instructor]. The girls will be competing in multiple WGI competitions, as well as the SJVCGPR circut, in the Gold A Class. Updated competition results will be found here :].
Clovis East Show [1/25]- First place, with a score of 62.3. Highest score of the night!
WGI Ceres Regional - Third place, with a score of 74.1. Currently ranked 12th in their class in the nation!
Clovis North Show [2/15] - Third place, with a score of 68.5
Buchanan Show 1 [2/29] - Did not perform due to sickness and injuries in group.
Buchanan Show 2 [3/14] - Second place, with a score of 79.9.
WGI Union City [3/15] - Prelims: Second place with a score of 79.3. Finals: Third place, with a score of 81.6.
SJVCGPR Championships [4/4] - Third place.
Pit: *Leesha, *Zach, Carson, Joey, Chad, Russell, David, Tyler, Brendon, Hayley, Evan, Jackson, Miranda, Stuart, Nick, Darcy, Tori, Yuki, and Jeff.
Drumline: Snare- *Bryan, Alex, Tyler S., Simon, and Tyler M. Tenor- *Michael and Thomas. Bass- Casey, Cameron, Nick, *Mark, and Kyle.
Prop Movers: Doug, Jared, Zach, Shanae, Leo, John, and Sidney.
Our percussion members are performing a unique show entitled "X". The show involves intricate pit parts, giant moving props which our drum line members perform on, and it has almost always an upbeat tempo. The show was originally done by the Black Knights winter percussion, and our percussion members are doing a tremendous job with the challenging show. They will compete in the SJVCGPR circuit in World Class, as well as take a tour down to LA to perform late in their season. They also performed in Fresno State's 'Day of Percussion' program, with two different concert percussion groups. Updated competition results will be found here. :]
Clovis East Show [1/25] - Second place, with a score of 67.4.
Clovis North Show [2/15] - Second place, with a score of 79.5
Buchanan Show 1 [2/29] - Third place, with a score of 80.3
PPAACC Bakersfield Show [3/8] - First place, with a score of 78.3. Highest score of the day. :]
Buchanan Show 2 [3/14] - Second place, with a score of 84.4.
SJVCGPR Championships [4/5] - Third Place.
Please visit www.sjvcgpr.org for more information on performance dates, times, and sites to come support these two groups. :]
Flutes: *Deanna, Jackson, Alyssa, Carlos, Sarah, Shanna, Katherine, Allison [piccolo].
Oboes: *Alina, Austin.
Clarinets: *Shannon [Eb], Janine, Lainie, Paula, Katherine, Sorin, Caitlin [Eb], Matt, Breanna, Veronica, Sidney, Kelly.
Bass Clarinet: *Matt, Tim.
Alto: *Chayce, Ryan, Andrew.
Tenor: *Dillon, Chris.
Bari: *Nick, Paul.
Trumpet: *Brittany, Mark, Randy, Connor, Jeff, Matt, Alan.
Horn: *Brock, Darren, Jordan, Connor, Corina, Suzy.
Trombone: *Chris, Sean, Jimmy, Andre, Michael.
Euph: *Bryce, Aaron, Jordan.
Tuba: *Matt, Wesley, Bryan, Larry.
String Bass: Sean.
Percussion: Joey, Richard, Hayley, Bryan, Tyler, Russell, Carson, Garrett, Chad, Zach, Leesha, Evan.
Fantasia on an English Folk Song
Symphonic Metamorphosis, Mvt. 4, March, Themes of Weber
Kingsburg CMEA Festival 2/28 - Straight Superior Ratings.
Fresno State Festival - Superior Performance.
CUSD Band Festival 3/26 - Straight Superior Ratings.
Bullard High Festival 4/1 - Straight Superior Ratings.
Flutes: *Tianci, Megan, Grace, Angela, Kelsey, Emily, Brianna, Jenna.
Clarinets: *Susie, Ryan, Patrick, John, Astrid, Ashley, Jovie, Shannae, Robby, Cody.
Bass Clarinet: *Josh, Alicia.
Alto: *Jacob, Michael, Calvin, Jacob A., Chris, Samantha, Josh, Jared, Mitchell, Brandon.
Tenor Sax: *John, Deja, Nirav.
Horn: *Shannon.
Trumpet: *Alan, Phillip, Eric, Neil, Brandon, Andrew, Jeff, Jared, Jordan.
Trombone: *Kyle, Michael, Zach, CJ.
Euph: *Zach, Michelle.
Tuba: *Phillip, Doug, Austin, Lauren.
Percussion: Alex, Michael, Jackson, Tyler B., Nick, Tori, Stuart, Brendan, Mark, Darcie, Casey, Cameron, Jeff, Simon, Tyler M., Tyler S., Kyle, David, Thomas, Nick S., Miranda.
Kentucky - 1800, by Clare Grundman
Three Ayres From Gloucester, by Hugh M. Stuart
Motion, by Brian Balmages
CUSD Band Festival 3/26 - Superior Ratings.
Bullard High Festival 4/1 - Superior Ratings.
Our jazz program, under the direction of Paul Lucckesi, is by far the most prestigious part of our music department, and is known nationally for their achievments. Currently, our A jazz band is the number one jazz band in the state, and has performed numerous times at the Monterey Next Generation Jazz Festival. They have been accompanied by many famous musicians, and have been invited to numerous festivals to be the featured group, and/or top guest artist. In 2007, both groups were invited to the Delta Jazz Festival where our A jazz came in first place in the "Heavy High School Division", and our B jazz, also competing in that division, came in second place. They make recordings of their sets yearly, and host the San Juaquin Valley Jazz Festival yearly on our school's campus, where they have the privilege of playing with and having clinics with many phenomenal, professional musicians. We have numerous combo groups, the most competitive one being ranked best in the state [Sean, Justin, Tyler, and Tim]. Members from each group are continually recognized for their phenomenal musicianship through awards and/or scholarships, and both groups annually participate in the Reno Jazz Festival held in late April. To find out more information about our prestigious jazz program, please visit their website at bhsjazz.net.
Justin Richey - String bass
Tyler Cravines - Drum Set
Garret Lee - Drum Set [2]
Sean Richey - Guitar
Sorin Kim -Piano
Evan O'Shaunessy - Vibes
Chayce Hartung - Lead Alto
Paula Sato - 2nd Alto
Tim Shaghoian - Lead Tenor
Dillion Reed - 2nd Tenor
Ryan Majors - Bari Sax
Chris Erickson - Lead bone
Sean Shackleford - 2nd bone
Andre Ovalle - 3rd bone
Jimmy Conrad - 4th bone
Matt Sanchez - Bass bone
Brittany McManaman [chops] - Lead trpt
Randy Harris - 2nd trpt
Connor Defendis - 3rd trpt
Jeff Jarvi - 4th trpt
Alan Spjute - 5th trpt
I Love You
To You
Mutual Recognition
Seven Steps to Heaven
Boom Boom
The Comedian
Andre Ovalle - Piano
Marianna Fusich-Waller - String bass
Richard Brescione - Drum set
Hayley Brownell - Set
David Petithome - Set
Joey Bohigian - Vibes
Andrew Gorbaity - Lead Alto
Chris Abojaoude - 2nd Alto
Jacob Acosta - 2nd Alto
Nick Warner - 1st Tenor
Matt Honda - 2nd Tenor
Jacob Garcia - 2nd Tenor
Paul Haws - Bari
Kelsey Heiter - Flute
[parts change per song]
Jimmy Conrad
Bryce Heilbut
Michael Denton
Matt Sanchez
Zach Young
[parts change per song]
Mark Grizes
Matt Ramsey
Alan Sato
Neil Novotny
April In Reggae- John Hollenbeck
Song For A.E.G - Tom Garling
Tunnel Vision - Dan Cavanagh
Miss Fine - Oliver Nelson
Blues For McCoy - Jim Cifelli
We compete in the WBA Circut in class 5A.
Drum Majors: 3
Flutes: 20
Clarinets: 24
Saxes: 14
Tenors: 5
Mellos: 5
Trumpets: 16
Baritones: 5
Trombones: 8
Tubas: 8
Pit: 19
Drumline: 15
Guard: 17
Section Leaders:
Drum Majors: Sean, Shannon, and Tim. Flutes: Deanna, Sarah, and Shanna. Clarinets: Janine, Sorin, and Lainie. Alto Sax: Paula. Tenor Sax: Dillon. Mello: Brock. Trumpet: Brittany and Randy. Baritone: Bryce. Trombone: Chris. Tuba: Matt. Pit: Leesha and Zach. Drumline: Jordan, Michael, and Casey. Guard: Lauren and Mellissa Ann.
Total Instrumentation: 159
This year's show featured our lead trumpet players Brittany and Randy. Our music was written by Key Poulan, our past band director [whom also writes for Santa Clara Vanguard], so we were very excited about this year's show. This season we placed first at our Madera competition ahead of our neighbor, Clovis West, which was the first time we had beaten them in 6 years. This season was full of achievement and growth for us all, and we are very proud of our production. Check out our music player for our recording. Bring on the season of '08 :].
Sierra Cup Classic:
First Place, with a score of 80.00
Caption Heads in Music & Auxillary.
Auxillary Caption 14.5 pointed the Second place Auxillary. :]
Missed Sweepstakes Spot by .1 of a point.
Simi Valley Review:
Second Place, with a score of 79.00. Originally had an 83, but had a 4 point time penalty. Without penalty, would have been first and would have taken Grand Sweepstakes.
Caption Heads in Music.
Second Place in Auxillary and Percussion.
Pleasant Hill Review [Concord]:
5th Place, with a score of 82.85
S James Logan 91.45
1 Homestead HS 85.60
2 Clovis West HS 84.95
3 Saratoga HS Marching Band 84.90
4 Amador Valley HS 84.75
5 Buchanan HS Band & Colorguard 82.85
6 Lynbrook HS 75.90
Golden State TOB:
Third Place, with a score of 83.25
1. Clovis West 86.5
2. Mission Viejo 85.5
3. Buchanan 83.25
Madera Band Review:
First Place, with a score of 87.25
Caption Heads in Music, Auxillary, and General Effect.
First time to win against Clovis West in six years.
1. Buchanan 87.25
2. Clovis West 87.00
WBA Championships:
Prelims: 7th Place in 5A, 9th overall with a score of 86.55.
Finals: 12th Place with a score of 84.05.
Recaps found here: http://www.westernbands.org/schedule/scores/
Congrats on a fantastic season everyone. :]

My Interests


Member Since: 1/26/2007
Influences: COMMENT US.

Our Staff:

Tony Luna [Head Director]

Jason Kuyper [Assistant Band Director, Percussion Director]

Paul Lucckesi [Jazz Director]

Sean Lopez [Guard Caption Head/Designer, Rhapsody Independent]

Nathan Cabrall [Drumline Tech, BDB, Freelancers]

Sarah [Pit Tech, Fresno State]

Key Poulan [Marching Season Show Writer/Coordinator]

Esteban [Marching Tech]

Scott Seagle [Marching Tech]

Ricardo [Guard Instructor, Pacific Crest]

Our Calendar:

3.24 FMCMEA Honor Jazz Auditions
3.28 WGI Color Guard Power Regionals
3.31 FMCMEA Honor Jazz Rehearsal
4.01 FMCMEA Honor Jazz Rehearsal
4.02 FMCMEA Honor Jazz Rehearsal
4.02 CMEA City Band Festival
4.03 Fresno City College Jazz Festival
4.03 FMCMEA Honor Jazz Performance
4.04 Monterey Jazz Festival
4.04 SJVCGPR Guard Championships
4.05 SJVCGPR Percussion Championships
4.10 Booster General Meeting
4.17 Booster General Meeting
4.19 BHS Band&Guard trip to Disneyland
4.25 Reno Jazz Festival
4.26 Clovis Rodeo Parade 5.08 BHS/ASI Percussion Concert 5.10 CMEA Solo Festival
5.15 BHS Jazz Concert
5.22 BHS Band Awards Concert
5.27 Orchestra Spring Awards Concert
6.04 BHS Graduation
6.06 Last Day of School!

Type of Label: Major