Member Since: 05/05/2005
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with remarkable fervency and passion not common among young worship leaders, stephen miller isemerging as one of today’s finest worship artists. bringing a fresh perspective to thetimeless truths of God, he communicates them with a unique blend of vibrant, ambient rock andscripturally-inspired lyrics.
though fresh, stephen is by no stretch a rookie. a little less than ten years ago, his heartfor the local church birthed in him the desire to be a theologian and pastor before he is amusician. however, the tension between art and theology has failed to slow stephen down fromwriting incredible anthems of praise for the church to sing. always taking into account howeach local expression of the body of Christ will respond to each song, he carefully andskillfully crafts each melody with the hope that it will connect the heart of the believerwith their Creator God in authentic worship.
in a time when the people of God so badly need to be reminded of their first Love, the Lord isdefinitely using stephen miller to capture the heart of His people. he has prayed forspiritual awakening, and with songs like “awaken my heart,†the title track from his latestep, stephen leads congregations in the corporate setting and individual worshippers all overto a heart-felt cry for inner-revival.
stephen worships with an authentic energy that causes the church to whole-heartedly pursueChrist. as he says, “if God’s people aren’t worshiping with all they are in response to whoGod is and all He’s done, they’re not worshiping.â€
****stephen is a resident worship pastor at sugar creek baptist church in sugar land, tx wherehe resides with his wife, amanda, and two children, kinsey and keira.****