BAMB00ZLED profile picture


YOU should brush ur teeth... cuz you been talking too much SHIET

About Me

7:42 a.m. time to wake up tick tock tick tock wuts an acronym for butterfly coated powder so wipe dat shit off your eyes (cuz the lights ... glare) and brush yo teef up n down in a circular motion like the local motion band stand now left left right right dow see dow gotta go dont forget to rinse. ahh fresh air .. blaze up a cigarette cuz your still sleepy..wheres da damn bus at y are these girls staring (in a care bear stare) kinda way. what ever happened to fallin in love wid a nigguh wid a bus pass.. well anyways heres my 2 bucks and take me to my final destination but i just hope this nigguh dont kill me along the way. wish this dood put his arm down damn dat shit stinks.. buss out (like da bang bus) da latest sole magazine.. deciphering encyrpted message dialoge... wow pictures.. i wish this was a pop up book.. i hate readin makes me sleepy imma just rest my head on this 500 pound woman next to me.. wtf wher da fawk am i and y am i still sitting next to this 500 pound behemith of a woman?? oh well no time to think gotta get off this bitch.. asked the bus driver can you let me off he replied "NO! sit your ass back down" eventually stoppin like a deer on the road taking its last breath just thinkin bout that shit makes me wanna say "Sorry Santa" i remember hearing that in a childrens folk song.. oh well can't dilly dally now its time to get a steppin.. off the bus i proceed and walk off as i welcome... the post tramtic stress called ... life

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

The creator of a diviner enlightenment..


Paper being ripped in half, rainfall, windchimes, slot machines, tuning forks, the ocean, water boiling, the sound of scribble, the toliet flushing, the way transformers transform, opening the wrap from a cd, that sound when you put a card on the spoke of your bicycle tire, when the birds tend to chirp in the morning, and when crickets chirp at night are all music to my ears.


... paper cuts are the worst


Snake Eyes B. Dazzel, Im my own worst enemy... i sulk in a depressed fashion... i bury myself in sorrows fantasing about endless things that can never be achieved or controlled.. Snake Eyes B. Dazzel is my alias.. not like Jennifer Garner.. but my own brand of super hero.. a mythical individual with a bruised ego.. i save myself of daily occurances that has no significance..."you must show no mercy -nor have any belief whatsoever in how others judge you for your greatness will silence them all" -Warrior- FOUNDER/CHAIRMAN CEO FOUR SEASONS HOTELS "ISADORE SHARP"