Young Untouchables Entertainment general philosophy for doing business is leaving the consumer completely satisfied, having each consumer come into our events excited and a sense of bliss coming in and out of the club. Having each consumer willing to learn more and come back to the event and most important spark an interest for some to get involved in the business and strive for greatness. We like to set the example for others to follow. Young Untouchables Entertainment appeals to the college and graduate school market. The season and timing of all our events coincide with all colleges’ students coming home or even visiting back in Los Angeles. Each event theme also relates to time of year, most well known artist albums, and even annually events that they recognize. We serve these markets of people just because we are those people. Our company knows what people want and how they want it. Young Untouchables well like to be known for its classiest events in the most upscale of clubs and leaving each customer with a smile and a question in there head to “when is the next event?†We make sure we put our full effort into everything we do especially when our name is attached to it, first impressions is long lasting, and we want all customers to have a very satisfied first impression with Young Untouchables Entertainment. The main benefits that the business will get from being involved with our company is the fact that it brings notice to the club from a variety of different people, personalities, and culture. Our company is out to prove to the industry, fans, business partners, employees, society is the fact that we are young Entrepreneur with a drive like no other. We have a thirst to make it to the top by any means necessary and through hard work.