Mantha;EPIC profile picture


14 days.

About Me

do my Q&A blog.
make me one of these [50]
I've got a front ego big enough to break hearts;
but i'm humble, really I am.
1. Anything I say could be followed by a j/k
2. I never say the j/k
3. I guess this means I’m sarcastic.
4. Details are more important to me then the whole picture.
5. The arch of your eyebrows will always outweigh what you wear.
6. I'm critical in a way that seems to be nonexistent anymore; I'll pick apart your character.
7. I don't know how to use Photoshop; so therefore, I look quite a bit better in person.
8. I'm sort of verbally abusive if I feel comfortable around you; just take the term douchebag as a term of endearment.
9. I have about 10 friends.
10. About 1000 acquaintances
11. Dear acquaintances, I won’t tell you a thing that you couldn’t already see by looking at me.
12. I suppose this means I’m not very open to those I don’t trust.
13. I suppose this also means that I would die for the ones I do.
14. I don't go out that often.
15. I’m going to be the worst driver in all of Oregon.
16. I am ANTI-death penalty.
17. PRO-choice. [Not pro-death] yes, there IS a difference you twat.
18. And I will gladly take you up on a discussion about either one, not a hostile one sided argument. Even though it seems that that’s the only way some of you know how to express your ideas.
19. Twat: Tah-wot
20. Onions are a disease.
21. you are NOT ADD, you HAVE ADD
22. 2 = a couple; 3 = a few
23. I'm the best at loaded questions. But I don't use them often.
24. Maybe some day someone will come and change my world, make me optimistic about life, until that day, this is what you have to work with.
25. No one has been magic enough to change my mind about relationships.
26. I look at everyone’s profile that wants to add me.
27. I am VERY well acquainted with the “deny” button
28. This now goes to 100.
29. Some of you will read it, tell me and I’ll thank you.
30. When I’m having an intelligent conversation I use correct grammar and punctuation.
31. Otherwise, I don’t curr.
32. If there's a typo in this let me know.
33. Yes, I did say your extensions looked trashy.
34. Hate Mail me about it.
35. I want to meet someone with a Messiah Complex.
36. I don't however need to meet anyone else with a Peter Pan Complex, I'm done with those.
38. Boys with braces are adorable.
39. Those everyday stupid situations, get to me.
40. Hipbones drive me CRAZY
41. If you ask me where I would like to go to lunch, my reply will be, "anywhere with rice."
42. The smell of axe is sick, I don't know why people wear it.
43. I love boys in fitted sweaters.
44. In all honesty, I'd rather take a sience class than a art class.
45. Like a true lush, I will carry around the cider bottle like it’s my young, any time of year.
46. I HATEDHATEDHATED summer ‘06
47. I don’t cry often.
48. Yeah, you probably have seen me at a show.
49. Why didn’t you say hi?
50. I’m addicted to peach tea, with one and a half sugars.
51. I don't "do" coffee.
52. I'm at an awkward stage in my sewing career, I can sew already existing things, if they have a basic shape, but I cannot create something out of nothing.
53. If you're ever sick I will bring you soup, seriously.
54. "lemme tell you what, it HURTS to fuck a skinny boy, it's them hips"
55. I’m modest, very modest, and I want an old-fashion boy with wicked style.
56. I use small words and simple sentence structure, but I’ll be damned if I don't make my point and leave you in awe anyway.
57. I TALK to my friends list.
58. I have met the one person in this world that I would like to do away with. I think it’s time to meet the exact opposite.
59. I'm not skinny, don't expect it.
60. I’m a sucker for those conversations where you have so much to say, but you don’t want to talk all you really want to do is smile and wish you knew the word for this sign “
61. I don't like watching people bomb at a speech, it's more uncomfortable to me than you could ever know.
62. I don't like it when people curl their toes up when they sit down.
63. I want to meet someone who will put Motion City Soundtrack in the middle of their “Death Metal” mix, just because it would make me laugh.
64. I think eyebrow/tounge/monroes with hoops in them/labret pierings can be VERY trashy if you do them wrong.
65. I have a MAJOR plaid obsession.
66. Guilt trips and I don't mix, I don't care if you puff out your lip, it will get you nowhere.
67. My fallback to that is that I have a VERY guilty conscious. Example: I ALWAYSALWAYS pay for the max. In a system of honors, I'm always the one to stand by what they say.
68. I am AGAINST the use of Manic Panic.
69. People who have this number in their likes are stupid.
70. My mother is adorable.
71. The word adorable has nothing to do with your looks to me.
72. I think Sonny Moore, is GRUBBY. Say he's 'teh sex' and I will cut you.
73. I haven't seen a good music video in a long while.
74. I know basically every AFI song. Ever.
75. That basically is there because I don't know what they did with this last album.
76. I’m quite fond of dread falls.
77. I don't like that I can't read my own book while I'm reading a book for English because I get the plot mixed up.
78. I do not "do" phones, I will never let you call me.
79. I don’t make plans for four on Saturday at three on Saturday if we aren’t hanging out already. I don’t dig that.
80. If there is one thing in this world that I am so passionately against to the point that I’ll say I hate it, is when people say “your life is SO easy!” The reason it’s good right now is because I’ve been through so much of the hard stuff already. The reason that my life looks so easy, is because my parents worked so hard to get me where I am now, and life still isn’t easy, I work for every single good moment, and I’m grateful for all of it.
81. All of your piercings suck.
82. Don't talk to me about them, yes I have them, no that is not my main interest.
83. At this point I don't really want a tattoo, that's probably going to change.
84. Je parle francais un peu.
85. I drink more then the recommended amount of water per day.
86. My family sits down and eats together, I didn't find out this was unusual until recently, and I think more people should do it.
87. I don't have boyfriends usually, because I am not a fling, and don't handle having to take care of someone when they go into crisis mode well.
88. Kissing is cheating.
89. But of course you knew that right?
90. Yes, even if it's of the same sex.
91. I post about 18-30 bulletins a day, about nothing really, if you don't like them, then don't read them, or don't add me.
92. Most atheists want physical proof that God exists. Well, God could tap-dance in front of me and I wouldn't bat an eyelash.
93. We are creatures of circumstance.
94. I’ve been called the “coolest edge kid ever” by over fifty people, because the only way you’d know, is if you’ve asked me, or you just read this.
95. I AM A SPEECH KID, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
96. My hair has been every single color except for teal, because it doesn’t hold in my hair. [I'm still searching for the brand that does, i'm determined]
97. For those of you who walk around all X'ed up thinking Davey Havok is your saving grace, you need to wake up, this is your choice, he's not there to battle your skeletons.
98. My dream hair is a death hawk. Don't ask me what this is.
99. I do not say I love you unless I mean it, it will hurt your feelings at some point, because it takes years.
Did you floss today, mofugga? Says: I HAVE SEEN THE COCK
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My Interests

Books Read in '07:

Sex Drugs and Cocoa Puffs*
To Kill A Mockingbird

* currently reading

I'd like to meet:


They're wrong when they say you can't pick your family. Bonds like this aren’t found in blood. They're the ones who you're never told you have to love, but somehow they make you love them anyways. Not heroes, but as close as it gets.

Cassie. Quimby.

My Blog


okay, I get asked so many things alreadyso I figure it should all go hereAsk me anything, I'll answer :]
Posted by Mantha;EPIC on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 08:24:00 PST


All my signs are lovely, but my profile would be way cluttered if I put them on in the pro.make me a sign, and i'll bulletin the hell out of my blog until everyone looks at it. :]ReggieVFKimTobiAlexA...
Posted by Mantha;EPIC on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 04:05:00 PST