[I AM AREEL] profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

♠AREEL MOHD♠.....x'cually ma real name is ♠HAZREEL MOHD♠ , I'm a pretty boring, stupid, crazee, notty, foolish, music-obsessed regional kid who likes to chill with mates and the mrs. I hate pretentious people, people who think they're better than everyone else, people who love themselves, people who take things too seriously and competitive people.U wanna know more...Ask me k buddy..Peace & lurve ...

My Interests

Graphic Designing. Multimedia. Adobe Software. Printing. Music. Drawing. DIY. Photography. Art. Eras. Japanese anything. Foreign culture. Languages. Body mods. Clothes. People. Retro. Fashion. Concerts. Local shows. Finding new/undiscovered music. Internet. Colourful people. Cuddle whores! Psychology. Intellect. Travel. Dressing up. Meeting cool new people..not creepy ones. :P Drag kings. Gender-benders. Androgyny. Cross-dressers. LIVERPOOL. Everything in moderation... including moderation. ;D

I'd like to meet:

a robotic replica of me..so i can spent more time on myspace...hehehe...No lah, i'd like to meet ol ppl...i dun care anybody...CheersMy Dearer...♠ROSELYNDA ♠My BLooDbrOtHer n BeshPrenz


Hip hop, rock, classical, techno, Fort Minor, 50 cent, Eminem, Beyonce, Pussy Cat Dolls, Black Eyed Peas, HIM, Daft Punk, My Chemical Romance, Underoath, The Smiths, Blindside, The Cure, Hidden in Plain View, Goldfinger, The Ataris, The Vandals, The Clash, Hoobastank, Green Day, Papa Roach, The Sound of Animals Fighting, Nirvana, Rancid, The Strokes, Mae, Yellowcard, The Killers, Marylin Manson, Avenged Sevenfold, EighteenVisions, Atreyu, Justin, Ol the UNDERGROUND Music and MANY,MANY more......


Blue Crush, The Notebook, Davincci Code, Scary Movie, porn ;P, Vivid videos, Nightmare Before Christmas, Shrek, Corpse Bride.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Friends.


Horror Novels, Romantic Novels, Fantasy, Porn Story ;P..


Kau Yang Satu...

My Blog

**. i LiKe dAt lYriC dAm mUcH....**

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Posted by [I AM AREEL] on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 10:00:00 PST