I'm 36 years old and working in sales. I love music, sports, movies. I speak french and english. I'm a big sports fanatic and i hope the Habs will win the Stanley Cup...one day...this year i mean!!! If you would like to write me go ahead! Also, i'm a really good Slow Pitch pitcher!!! Ha ha ha, see my pictures!!! I'm a good 5 pins bowler also i've played a game 285 this year...and the game after was 145!!! Next year i'll have a 300 average. Bienvenue à tout les gens qui parlent français qui veulent m'écrire! J'aime le sport, la musique et le cinéma.. "http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm1hcGxvY28uY29tLw=
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