I'm SEXY profile picture


Still being SEXY

About Me

OK for all you people asking... My score was 132! =) hmm, dunno if that's good or bad... but sometimes it's so good to be bad! =)

Ever wonder about a friend's sex life? Preferences? Turn ons? But too afraid, shy or embarassed to ask? Or say you connect with somebody but before you get intimate, you gotta ask the akward question about their sexual past. & then do you trust their answers?? Well, I've got a fun & indirect way for you to find out!

Go to this website www.Sexual-Purity-Test.com (or click the banner)

Complete the fun, fast test

Forward it to your friends

When your friends complete the test, you get access to their answers! =)

It's that simple!



Click to zoom in on my visitor map!

My Interests

Oh & I luv traveling... the world is such a big place & there's so much to learn from different cultures & races. We're all here on this earth together & we should try to live harmoniously instead of destroying one another & our environment. We are our own worst enemy! =(

I'd like to meet:

OK FOR ALL YOU THAT ASK... SORRY I WILL NOT GIVE OUT MY MSN, OR PHONE #, OR MEET FOR COFFEE OR DRINKS... sorry,i don't meet strangers. I've been stalked twice & I just need my "own time" right now. Thanks

Guys & Girls! Genuine people. No fakers! FOR FRIENDS ONLY Ambitious, goal driven, HAPPY humans that can laugh in any given situation =)I frequently travel to LA, Vegas, Hawaii, Cancun. So lets hook up there & PARTAY!!!


All types even some country! But mainly house, hip hop, r&b, trance, & yes, some classical too.


24! Married with Children, Simpsons, CSI Miami


Jenna Jameson & Jill Kelly for becoming successes in such a "hard" industry! No pun intended =)