KLØS is CHAØS profile picture


You're flesh is a relic of your vessel

About Me

Have you ever?
smoked a cigarette?:
Marlboros, Camels, Parliaments, Kools, Pall Malls, Doral, Newport, XL's, Frosts, Signatures (mellows, Infused, Robusts), No 9's, Flow's, Groove's, Turkish Jades, Turkish Golds, Turkish Silvers, Turkish Royals, Smooths, Milds, Reds, Camel Reds, Ultra-lights, Lights, Wides, Menthols, Clove Originals, Djarum Blacks, Cherry Cloves, Clove Menthols, Djarum Supers, You Name it.
smoked a cigar?:
yup, it's usually a father/son moment.
done drugs?:
Nothing illegal
drank alcohol?:
HAH! Who Hasn't
Favorite drink?
Martinis, Vodkatinis, Gin, Water
been in love?:
Right now I'm IN love
been dumped?:
been fired?:
No way!
been in a fight?:
a few... I never start them, and I never finish them either.
snuck out of your house?:
All the time! since 7th grade, now I just leave when I want. No questions asked.
made out with a stranger?:
uhhh... I forget... it wouldn't suprize me if I did.
gone out on a blind date?:
lied to a friend?:
does my boss count as a friend? lol
had a crush on a teacher?:
HAH! Just the cute/hot ones... which were few and far between since 2nd grade.
skipped school?:
who hasn't?
slept with a co-worker?:
HAH... funny story actually! My manager sorta got me to have an affair with his then-gf so he'd have an excuse to break up with her. Then after they broke up, we later spit-rosted her. Sorta the same thing. ask me about that some day.
seen someone die?:
Probably. Nothing notable though.
had/have a crush on one of your myspace friends:
let me rephrase, "ever met and kissed any of your myspace friends?" yeah, a few actually.
been to Canada?:
been to Mexico?:
yeah (shittiest place ever)
been to Europe?:
No! :C
been to Asia?:
Fuck yeah! Japan, Baby!
been on a plane?:
uh no... i went to japan in a boat
thrown up from drinking?:
yup, and I was still having a blast!
eaten sushi?:
been skiing?:
Uh... not yet
been in an abusive relationship?:
nope, they suck... and so do abusive assholes.
taken pain killers?:
none i can remember
love someone right now?:
Oh hell yeah!
laid on your back & watch the clouds?:
all the time.
made a snow angel?:
who in michigan hasn't?
used a fake ID?:
No, but I let a guy use my ID once
watched the sunset?:
yeah. it's pretty stuff
touched a snake?:
I touch mine daily. Oh and I've also caught those reptile things a few times too
felt an earthquake?:
Technically I have, but I was asleep every time.
been tickeled?:
yeah, then i tickle the her back, and then we're on the floor wrestling, and then we finish off with our mouths lip locked.
been robbed?:
uh... nope. not yet.
been misunderstood?:
yeah, then i use a different word choice
won a contest?:
yeah, random boy scout shit, and an art contest a while ago.
been suspended from school?:
yeah... for RETARDED reasons.
had detention?:
been in a wreck?:
Not yet.
had/have braces?:
Nope, my teeth genes rock!
had a one night stand?:
Yeah, the bitch never called me back! I felt so used ;P
danced in the moonlight?
No, Only made out in the moonlight.
hated the way you look?:
yeah, when i used to have blemishes.
witnessed a crime?:
aren't we all living it?
had deja vu?:
Uh, I went to the Vu once... I saw boobs
stripped for someone?:
well, we both stripped down. does that count?
walked barefoot thru the mud?:
maybe when i was little or something.
been lost?:
only misplaced for the moment.
been to the other side of the country?:
If hawaii is the other side, then yes.
swam in the ocean?:
Fuck yeah, I miss that shit.
felt like you were dying?:
Only in my dreams.
pole danced?:
**sigh** yes, but with a girl. It's hard pole dancing as a couple.
played cops & robbers?:
uh... in kindergarten?
cried yourself to sleep?:
Yes, and I look pathetic.
done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?:
uh, smoking.
made prank phone calls?:
caught a snowflake on your tongue?:
kissed someone in the rain?:
Still waiting for that opportunity
blowed bubbles?:
yeah... smoke bubbles even
told a stranger you loved them?:
I think i told "that hot girl" in middle school i loved her... when i didn't even really know her. Is that considered a stranger?
had a wish come true?:
no. My wishes are too outrageous
jumped off a bridge?:
get back to me when I lose everything in the stock market.
kissed a fish?:
hmm... nope.
sang in the shower?:
fuck yeah! and i've moshed and got scratched in the shower. ooo and I once made love in the shower! fun fun!
had sex in the woods?:
We'll get there.
had sex in the park?:
only a blow-job in the park
had sex in the car?:
Almost, but not enough room
had sex in the pool?:
some day
sat on a roof top?:
Me and Amanda cuddled on the roof of my work place.
worn the opposite sex clothes?:
Yeah, I'm usually pretty drunk when that happens though.
screamed at the top of your lungs?:
stayed up all night?:
all the time, especially in highschool.
didn't take a shower for a week?:
No.. maybe a day or two, once or twice. but i usually take a shower daily.
climbed a tree?:
fuck yeah, and pushed a kid off one too.
believed in ghosts?:
been streaking?:
some day.
been skinny dipping?:
some day.
been told you were hot by a complete stranger?:
God, I hate to stroke my own ego... but yeah, quite a few times actually, and i'm always caught off gaurd and I make an idiot outta myself.
been pushed into a pool?:
played chicken?:
yeah, except we played, "jousting"
broken a bone?:
been easily amused?:
I AM easily amused.
caught a fish, & ate it?:
laughed so hard you cried?:
Yeah. and laughed so hard i stopped making noises.
cried so hard you laughed?:
caught a butterfly?:
ummmmmm... not that i remember
mooned/ flashed someone?:
sounds like something i'd do.
had someone moon/flash you?:
yeah, two girls mooned me and my friend tony in 8th grade.
I grew a boner.
licked a cat?:
no, only the other way around.
forgotten somone's name?:
All the time at the club.
went scuba diving/snorkeling?:
bitten someone?:
yeah, we made a night out of it.
been kicked out of your house?:
nope. i do a good job keeping my free room and board.
My LiveJournal
"If there is to be a brave new world,
then this generation is going to have
the hardest time living init."

~Mentallo & The Fixer~
Womb For Rent
My latest drawing. A friend was trying to say "room for rent" but ended up comming out as "womb for rent". That mistake yeilded a drawing.
Gone Forever
I drew this one towards the end of 2005 (which are always depressing times for me). Alot of guys actually thought this one was funny, which saddens me. I was thinking of super imposing on this pic the following text:
"He said he'd give me his body, but instead he took mine"
I guess this is just a drawing for the ladies out there who feel that way.
Death via Drogen
A robot mourns the loss of his lover... Odd concept i guess. I was on a bullet train in Japan when I drew this. This kinda shit (Robots fucking humans) goes over well with the Japanese, I guess.
I drew this one on the plane ride to Japan and finished it on another bullet train ride. My father's Japanese business partners said it had an anime style to it (but that's not what I was striving for).
"It's not a human that's part robot. It's a robot that's part human!"
'nuff said...
I drew this in 2005 sometime in February. A lot of people like this one, but personally hate it because the iris is not as perfectly round as I'd wish it to be. Also, you should notice an anarchy symbol in the pupil.
Between Good and Evil
This one was inspired in the middle of chuch (of all places). I felt like I was being pulled in many directions when I drew this (duh... ya think?).
Blatant Bondage
I drew this while I was in visiting all my relatives in Wisconin during Christmas. I felt like trapped in hell, and couldn't break free. I don't like Wisconsin too much...
Robo Lust
More robots getting it on... this one, however, was not inspired by strange Japanese sex habits.
Winged Samurai
This one is a bit wierd. Think of what a samurai would look like in the future, but the wings were made outta wood slats. I drew this in the end of my junior year. The Last Samurai Had just come out on DVD. It makes one wonder where my inspiration came from... **rolls eyes**
A portrait of a Spec-Opts chick from a video game. This was drawn in 2003... but the game still hasn't come out yet. (fuckin' delays!)
More Spec-Opts chicks with guns. I drew this in my sophmore spanish class... I never learned anything from that class (I have not learned ANYTHING from high school, in fact).
Another ass-kicking chick (with a gun), and a nice ass shot. Yeah, I was a loser in '03.
I drew this in Bev's english class in my junior year. It's nothing special, just an alien with odd legs.
This one, amazingly enough, was drawn in 2002. I was just ending 8th grade. It remained un-challenged as my best drawing untill my sophmore year in high.
"I'm Done"
I started this one out trying to draw one of those robots from I, Robot. However, I didn't have the skill yet to render translucent skin with mechanisms under it. So this one ended up being a bald man ready to take his life. I thought it was implied that he was a prisioner or something requiring his head to be shaven, but all my friends kept asking me, "when are you going to add his hair?"
A Time of Need
I was in a depressive state when I drew this one (does the face look familiar to you?). I actually never looked in a mirror or anything for reference. When I first drew it, I never intended the face to resemble mine.

Further Information

These were all drawn with a mechanical pencil on printing paper of a slightly thicker paper weight. Any smudge effects were made by using my thumb. If you're an serious artist, you're probably cringing right now, but this is what I've always done, and what I'm used to. My older pieces are mostly character concepts, while my newer stuff conveys more emotional meanings. None of these were made for a class project, art or otherwise. These were all drawn on my own time .

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Recent Works
Check out my photoshop album


During my highschool years, I got into poerty as a way to vent that "teenage angst". We all had that angst. We all hated something in the world, and some of us are even still pissed at something. In highschool poetry helped me explain things before I learned the argument process. I made poems about anything that was on my mind at the time. Some were critiques on society, some were about love, some were about loving no more, and many were the product of my insomnia.
I must admit, my early poems sucked ass. It wasn't untill I took creative writing my poems began to have more structure and make more sense rhythmically. Some of the poems below are assignments from my creative writing class, but the poems that have stanzas containing a pair of rhyming lines are mine.
My inspiration to write poetry always comes to me when I'm under the influence of some sort of strong emotion. It's apparent in some poems that I was in love. Other poems were the product of a vastly deep depression. If you're not one for dark imagry, try to bear with me on my dark poems. If you've manage to read all this, and you're still up for some more reading, then please continue and enjoy my works of poetry!

Chemically Treated Children
By Ben Klos

The world is no longer a garden of Eden
Evil conquered, and man was beaten.

A forest is nothing but towers of steel.
Nature is nothing, a forgotten ideal.

Life as seen now is no longer magic.
Years of evolution, our origin is tragic.

Processed food, that only deprives.
Self destruction, that defines our lives.

Teen problems are now psychologically deep.
A home is nothing but a place to sleep.

Following desires aid moral collapse.
Anti-depression drugs limit our synapse.

Into a cold reality, an infant is hurled.
Passed onto a child, is a broken world.

Given a demise, before we even begin.
We are the chemically treated children.

Flowers of Deception
By Ben Klos

The natural flower was so beautiful and awesome.
And the secret of life could be found in its blossom.

It was until the day, the mechanical flower dawned.
Another creation, another idea, man had spawned.

People would buy these mechanical flowers.
They gazed at them long, sometimes for hours.

Fields were filled with self-replicating metal.
Beautiful and razor sharp, were each petal.

Stifled were flowers who have committed no crime.
Making way were the flowers of a modern time.

It was not thought, beauty could be found in a machine.
But man loved its creation, a mechanical serene.

But something was missing, something unrefined.
The soul and the spirit; nature was left behind.

Loves Final Word
By Ben Klos

You want to leave, without a loss
But return with a concussive blow
Worse than a crucifixion on a cross
Disembowelment, guts spill below

A gargling fork in the balls
Ripping my vessel apart viciously
My blood spray on the walls
You bring me suffering, ambitiously

Your knife swings quickly upward
Into my eyes, it parts flesh
On you, my blood gravitates toward
The scarlet undoubtedly fresh

You leave me dying alone
No apology, I am nothing to you
A final kick silences the moan
I am now gone, with nothing due

You hate me

The Dichotomous Strife
By Ben Klos

I constantly promise to not take my own life
But it only gets harder, when holding a knife
My mind wants out, and death seems promising
That choice is strong in my dichotomous strife

Similar to myself, my tears teeter on the edge
With sorrow bombarding, it tests my pledge
Between my will to live and my drive to die
The torment I try to endure, acts like a wedge

A tear may evaporate, but the pain never dries
That agony only hides in the depths of my eyes.
I smile a facade, one that I sometimes believe
But whenever I hide, the better part of me dies.

So when it dies, when I lose that better part
The world turns to grays, and life loses its art
Without a cry, the world turns to a calm quiet
Resembling the silence yield by a stopped heart

The Masochists Ballad
By: Ben Klos

In the land of time and space,
You and I shared a bond so strong
The universe was a loving place,
And nothing could ever go wrong

We would sit together and gaze
Our love was integrated, combined
We were intertwined, like a maze
But despite our gaze, we were blind

Pure, untainted, we lived in virtue,
But demons bring along temptation
The allure of sin, introduced a taboo,
And we lead a path to masturbation

You bit my arm. I felt something exotic
These feelings, emotions I cannot convey
You gave me pain, yet something erotic
I did not know what on earth to say

Pain is starting to feels like a pleasure,
And you have awakened my masochism
This experience has no other measure,
And it was caused by your newfound sadism

We discovered an exciting perversion
My care for you is shown in another way
The affection I give you is a new version
And as you start to love me, you say,

''We are now untethered by a false love
my rage now knows no boundary
I am unsurpassed. No one is above.
I am iron. I am my own foundry''

Violating me without my permission
The whip makes a rasping swish
And you assume my submission
Binding me in ways that you wish

And so, pain and pleasure have similarities
While still opposites, love equates to hate
There are harmonies between polarities
Me and her are perfect. We are conjugate

The Mistress of Innocence
By: Ben Klos

She's the mistress of sensation
with an epidermal concentration

She takes out all her tools
and she lays out all her rules

Shortly after she gets started
taking me places once uncharted

With her cloth, she blinds me
and with a rope, she binds me

My hands feel something metallic
but she makes the moment phallic

She brings me to a hype
as she ties me to the pipe

I only tell her to be gentle;
make the moment sentimental

And I wonder if she'll strike,
or if - what she does - I'll like.

Without the sense of sight
The skin is easy to excite

I love it when she loves me
even more so when I can't see

With my hands feeling metal
and her lips, soft as a petal

she smells like potpourri
as she kisses me so softly

I'll try to kiss her back
but I'm only seeing black

I cannot feel her skin
so I can't return the sin

I keep on asking, "please"
but she'd rather be a tease

She'd rather have me purr,
than to nicely let me kiss her.

Her tongue gives quite a lick
and she lays it pretty thick.

The more she can deliver
The more I start to quiver

I know when she is done
when she tells me it was fun

But she must not have a soul
She left me tied to the pole!

Love, Lust, and Lots of Blood
[Working Title]
By: Ben Klos

Black on black and the filthy opaque
Of your mesh lingerie
Rotten sex consumes you in your wake
But I like it your way.

Cut .., the skin will easily break
As we joyfully bleed
This wicked love we’ll never forsake
Though it might mislead

Red on red with layers of ache
Pour out your liquid lust.
This bloody mess is not a mistake
It’s a tribute to our trust.

Body on body and we both partake
We both share the pain.
It’s proof that our love is not fake
We’re each other’s stain.

White on white, I get you to shake
As I satiate your needs.
I pour my love on you, a gushing lake
Of my spilling seeds.

Lord of the Gothic Mafia
By Ben Klos

The windows flowing with waves of rain.
Night along with crime consumed the city
There were victims outside the glass pane
But the ghetto's true overlord felt no pity

The master sits on his kneeled over bitch
He leans forward and breaths in the dust
It's strong shit and makes his nose twitch
The drugs turn into sex; the inevitable lust

They start to fuck, and their love is vile
She works him, with all her needs ignored
Still he brutalizes her, with hints of a smile
She takes the abuse, waiting till he's bored

His woman is trash, so he throws her away
Pacing towards his throne, he lights a clove
The prince inhales, flicking ash in the tray
Slouching in his seat, he over looks his trove

He ponders his value and worth in the world
But feels nothing as he inspects his possessions
In his seat, he sinks deeper and more unfurled
There was no value in his criminal obsessions

He pulled off the table, a gun amongst drugs
He waved it around and teasingly shot things
"Why am I worshipped by you and my thugs?
What makes me the king among other kings?"

He let out a sigh and turned the pistol around
He ran with the devil, and his soul was bought
Thinking about hell; his destination was found
The last words said, before the gun's final shot

"I guess I'll depart. I'll be going home now"

The Good Shepherd
By Ben Klos

I've come as a missionary, to another foreign land
To set up a church, and to lend a nice helping hand

But there's truth in my lies, and there's lies in my truth
They take my words to heart, especially their youth

I'm spreading my dogma to the weak and the poor
I tell them about God, although my faith is unsure

I may be a shepherd, but I'm more lost than my sheep
They don't know I'm lying, and I'm losing my sleep.

They wouldn't understand, they don't see on my level
My alliance is with god, but I still run with the devil

They think I am something better, than what I claim
I've become their false idol; they never say my name

I tell them, "I am not your God! I am not all knowing!"
But to them I'm an angel; perfect, humble and glowing

I came here thinking that I was helping the misguided
But these people were fine, it was my fate undecided

This was a cruel trick that my God bestowed upon me
He wasn't worried about them, he just wanted me to see

These little things below are called lymrics, and these were also made for my creative writing class. They follow the pattern [a,a,b,b,a] and they have the meter of that old nursery rhyme "hickory dickory dock (the mouse ran up the clock)". They're lighthearted comedic poems, and mine were a little too comedic for my teacher to accept them for a grade (I had to redo two of them).

The Silent Woman
By Ben Klos

A little old woman laid in her bed
She would never move her body or head
She never walked
Or even talked
Because she had long been dead.

By Ben Klos

A father once punished two of his lads
For the children followed unacceptable fads
One kid was delirious
The other was furious
So the latter kicked his pa in the nads

By Ben Klos

An exchange student came from afar
He never saw roads of rocks and tar
He never saw traffic
His situation was tragic
For he eventually got hit by a car

By Ben Klos

A man once bought a laxative kit
He didnt know how well it would sit
It began to start
He forced out a fart
But instead came out some shit.

Decay Poems
In the following poems, each stanza contains two lines that rhyme. Each following stanza has one less word in it, and the poem eventually decays into a stanza with a pair single word lines. I chose a subject matter that would compliment the structure of the poem itself. While this stucture has more than likely been created by someone before me, I came up with this stucture on my own.

Abrasive Transmission
By Ben Klos

Brain waves halt, interconnections dead
supercomputer malfunction, in my head

Fired neurotransmitters in collection
Neuron detour, bad connection

Exponentially diminishing libido
Irrational logistics incognito

Synaptic unplugging
Cortex debugging


I/O Consciouness
By Ben Klos

Cognition circuit status, still undefined
Functioning, with an incoherent mind

No correlation, inconsistent thinking
Information flood, cortex sinking

Reaction time, slow
Brain fuels, low

Actions, frail
Senses, fail


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myspace deleted my fuckin' books section... so... just believe me when i say i read books on an occasion...


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My Blog

St Patrick’s Weekend!

Sat:Me and Ty drove to Ann Arbor a little past noon. After we parked in liberty square parking garage we waked to the intersection of state st and liberty. We were heading towards this one outdoor sto...
Posted by KLØS is CHAØS on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 10:08:00 PST

St Patricks Weekend!

See Above Blog
Posted by KLØS is CHAØS on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 12:01:00 PST

Wheels come full circle

I got my flat tire fixed... it was awsome... for about an hour.The roads became very snowy. But i had a newly filled/fixed tiresI owned those roads, until my car fishtailed on Novi Rd and hit a curb.N...
Posted by KLØS is CHAØS on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 04:18:00 PST

Tonight was like a tire

So yeah... my ride home from necto felt a little bumpy.It seemed to get worse as I pulled into the new hudson gas station.My rear driver-side tire was completely flat...Fun.
Posted by KLØS is CHAØS on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 01:25:00 PST

Meta-views on the condition

In the beginning, there was earth and all of its life. A day came when mankind came to understand pain. No longer did man simply react to pain, but instead learned to avoid it, plan for it, and minimi...
Posted by KLØS is CHAØS on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 01:39:00 PST

Information theory

My body hurts... ironically, this correlates with my mind. Definitively i know that my body has fallen ill due to some virus. It's mostly cold symptoms, and a few stomach flu symtoms tossed in. Oh yea...
Posted by KLØS is CHAØS on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 11:52:00 PST

It’s getting cold

I was in the middle of a war today... down on the front lines... people shooting, shouting, and snuffing. It was orgy of skullfucking. A rapefest on a dramatic scale of backstabbing proportions... It ...
Posted by KLØS is CHAØS on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 12:25:00 PST

people are strange

They just are...I hate politics. I hate the fact that wars are started by differing ideologies. I hate the fact that viewing the world through a unique pair of eyes can cause animosity towards yoursel...
Posted by KLØS is CHAØS on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 11:53:00 PST

Sorting the self. Organizing the ocular mind.

There's a lot of things going on in my mind these days. The natural human tendencies of a guy who's in my position. The obvious secret is breaking those default loop processes, the ones of human dwell...
Posted by KLØS is CHAØS on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 12:08:00 PST

Damage Control

During my finals week. I lived in a world of pain... amongst many other emotions. This was the same for Amanda my girlfriend. Okay, amanda isn't my girlfriend right now. It's hard to change habits so ...
Posted by KLØS is CHAØS on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 10:52:00 PST