[**PssTt.. ItS MiSs PenGuIne**] profile picture

[**PssTt.. ItS MiSs PenGuIne**]

♥?Life is like music; it must be composed by ear, feeling, and instinct, not by rule.?&hearts

About Me

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Name: NiCole BriAnNa TeNcZa
Birthdate: 10-31-88 ScOrPiO BiTCheZZ
Birthplace: B.X. Ny BAbY
Current Location: SheLtOn Ct
Eye Color: HaZeL BrOWn
Hair Color: BrOwN
Height: 5'7
Piercings: Yup Yup...eaRz & ToNgUe
Tatoos: NoT YeT 18th B-DaY
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: NOPE ;; GOt EM ON MY MiNd tHO
Overused Phraze: WAt'S GOOD?
Food: ITaLiAn EvErYdAy
Candy: SkIttLeS
Number: 21
Color: BRiGht BluE, PiNk, BlAcK, ReD, GrAy, WhiTe, etc
Animal: Ny BaBy ANiMAl Is AdOrAbLe
Drink: WAtEr & LeMoN
Alcohol Drink: DePeNdS
Bagel: SeSaMe
Letter: J & T
Body Part on Opposite sex: eYeS, LiPs, AbS
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: CoKe MaKeS u SeXii
McDonalds or BurgerKing: UM tHEY BOtH kiNDA NAStY ;; WENDY'S bABii
Strawberry or Watermelon: dAMN i LUV EM bOtH
Hot tea or Ice tea: HMM NeiTHeR
Chocolate or Vanilla ChOcOlAte
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: CAPpUCHiNo
Kiss or Hug: KiSseS N CuDDliN
Dog or Cat: NeiTheR
Rap or Punk: RaP But I Luv TrAnCE
Summer or Winter: SUmmeR N FaLL
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: BotH bUt MRe Of ScArY MOvIeS
Love or Money: iT's All aBouT the LoVe bABii
Bedtime: Hmm// HAvENt hAd One SincE i wAs LiL
Best phyiscal feature: PpL sAy Ma EyEs Nd MA liPs

First Thought Waking Up: DaMn It PleASe Jus 5 Mre MiN
Goal for this year: GeT mA golf BlaCk On BlAcK
Best Friends: LaUrEn, SaLitO, VaL, NiCk, JoeY, LeO & sO On
Weakness: i FoRgiVe PpL 2 eAsiLy
Fears: ClOwNs
Heritage: 75% ItAliAnA 25% PolAkA BitCheS
Longest relationship: YeAr nD HAlf
Ever Drank: MoS DeF
Ever Smoked: Nah
Pot: HEll NAH
Ever been Drunk: YeSSUH
Ever been beaten up: NOPE
Ever beaten someone up: No
Ever Shoplifted: NAh
Ever Skinny Dipped: nah
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: DuH
Been Dumped Lately: nOpe
Favorite Eye Color: BrOwN, HAZel, GreeN
Favorite Hair Color: BrOWn, BlaCk
Short or Long: ShORt
Height: TAlleR tHeN Me
Style: W/E As LonG As He MaTCheS
Looks or Personality: PerSonAliTy
Hot or Cute boTh? iT'S The saMe ExAct ShiT!!
Drugs and Alcohol: AlCohOl
Muscular or Really Skinny: MuScuLAr Or WaTEva SuitS hIm
Number of Regrets in the Past: UHH 2
What country do you want to Visit: ItAlY
How do you want to Die: PeACeFulli IN mA SleeP Wen IM Old
Been to the Mall Lately: YAh
Do you like Thunderstorms: HMmM Yah
Get along with your Parents: Wen We Dnt ArGUe yah
Health Freak: naH
Do you think your Attractive: Sum WAt
Believe in Yourself: YeSSuH
Want to go to College: iM IN COlleGe
Do you Smoke: NaH
Do you Drink: YeP
Shower Daily: EVRyDaY
Been in Love: i ThOUgHt I WaS
Do you Sing: Yes i Do
Want to get Married: YEA
Do you want Children: YEA
Have your future kids names planned out: If its A grL IsAbElla Marie.. if its a boy his fathas name or paUlo/ViNcEnt
Hate anyone: NaH But eVeN iF i DiD i WAsNt TeLLiN

My Interests

♥MuSiK ♥california♥shopping♥talking on the fone♥going out♥friends♥family♥being italian♥being polish♥tongue rings♥tatoos♥sexii people♥cars♥jokes♥guys♥clubs&hea rts;dancing♥singing is great♥I LOVE LUCY♥the beach♥shopping♥skirts♥sun glasses♥american eagle♥being Brunette♥Mandy Moore♥Paris and Nicole♥love♥gorgeous?♥my life ♥EuRoPe ♥ Me

I'd like to meet:

A guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who knows somthings wrong even when you tell him your fine, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heart beat..wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when your in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks your just as pretty without make up. One who is always reminding you how lucky he is to have you...0NE DAY Y0OU*RE G0NNA WANT THAT GiRl. THAT GiRl THAT KNEW SHE WASN*T PERfECT, bUT TRiEd T0 bE f0R Y0OU. THE GiRl THAT bELiEVEd THE SCRAPSz 0f Y0OU SHE WAS GiVEN WERE W0RTH iT, bECAUSE THAT S0METHiNG WAS bETTER THAN N0THiNG. THAT GiRl WH0 WANTEd N0THiNG M0RE THAN T0 bE THERE f0R Y0OU, && l0ViNG Y0OU WAS THE 0NlY WAY SHE C0Uld. THE GiRl WH0 SEESz Y0OUR FlAWSz, bUT VAlUESz THEM AS MUCH AS Y0OUR STRENGTHSz. THAT GiRl WH0 STill CAN*T bRiNG HERSELf T0 HATE Y0OU, EVEN TH0UGH Y0OU PR0bAblY dESERVE iT. THAT GiRl WH0 SAW PAST Y0OUR PRETTY EYESz && TREASUREd PARTSz 0f Y0OU THAT N0 0NE ElSE HAS EVER APPRECiATEd. THE GiRl WH0 REAliZESz SHE MAY NEVER HAVE Y0OUR <


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