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I am here for Networking

About Me

Hello, my name is Jörgen Wickholm. I own and manage Twang vintage and used guitars

The store started out in a small 20 square meter, 1 window shop ten years ago as a reaction to the existing guitar stores I had to endure over the years since I started my guitar playing "career". Today, we have moved on to larger facilities housing some 200 guitars and amps and roughly the same number of pedals and have established ourselves as one of the leading dealers of fine new and used stringed instruments in Sweden. It sure feels Grreat!

Twang guitars
Vintage & used guitars, basses and related stuff
(Wonder if that really covers the Golf bag and clubs in the back?)
Buying, trading, selling
Repairs & honest price estimations

Hours: Mon-Fri 12-18:00, Sat 12-15:00
Telephone: +468 642 52 05

Welcome all guitar FRIENDS!

My Blog

The 2007 Frankfurt musikmesse Part 1

Left for Frankfurt flughafen on the 27th of march. For the 1st time I chose not to use Ryanair as a carrier. WHAT a relief to jump on the S-bahn and arrive smack in the city in just 15 minutes instead...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 16:00:00 GMT