Ooops, I talk too much and I'm not interesting. I hate myspace so hard. I keep this account b/c of some mumbling logic about democratizing technology. is cooler. look for beleza99 :-)
HI THERE! New friends are super cool, but I'm into that warm, fuzzy personal touch. IF YOU'D LIKE TO ADD ME AS A FRIEND AND WE HAVE NOT ALREADY MET, *PLEASE* INTRODUCE YOURSELF. Otherwise, I will not add you. Also, if you have like 2378 contacts, I suspect you are not a person, but rather a marketing entity. I'm also not approving comments that are event flyers. Thanks.
Work in computers, school for environmental stuff,
When I was cynical, I thought like: "Guess what? Your coolness may be unconvincing. I've seen every shade. Surprise me. Shock is passe, dontchaknow? I want to know what's real. Are you a worker bee or an explorer bee? How do you flip your own neuroses for fun and profit? What are your plans for after Peak Oil? What is the thing that scares the crap out of you each and every day when you slink out of bed? What was it this week that made you go, "WHOAH!"?The trick is, *teehee* I don't reeeally care. I just want you to care."
but then I grew out of being a cynic and now I am tenaciously happy and love everyone and when I don't like someone I just give them a Care Bear Stare and they vaporize into a puff of big, gay, rainbow smoke.
About me: Turns out I'm not very interesting. However, will keep your beat-loving self occupied for hours! CORRECTION! very outdated! But still exists.aim=grokgrrrl. Extra points if you can name that reference.