Nismo Whores back on track! (i miss my car) profile picture

Nismo Whores back on track! (i miss my car)


About Me

See -RameNStaR Your Top 8 Myspace Freinds
1. What is Your Name? Stef
2. How old are you? 21
3. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace?
About you:
4. Gender Male
Your Top 8 Myspace friends
5. 1 Savanna
6. 2 Ruben
7. 3 Elain
8. 4 RameNStaR
9. 5 Jenn
10. 6 Nikki
11. 7 Parash
12. 8 Sam
13. How did you meet 3? photoshoot
14. Would 2 and 5 make a good couple? noooooooo
15. Would you ever kiss 7? no
16. Do you love 4? Its a part of me
17. How did you meet 4? Some iv known my whole life, the rest for a couple years
18. Is 5 nice? when she wants to be lol
19. Is 7 in a relationship? no
20. Have you kissed 1? yepo!
21. Who makes you smile? they all do!
22. Who are you closest to? Savanna and Ruben
23. Who do you wish to be closer to? cant get any closer
24. When was the last time you saw 4? with them every day
25. Do you see 3 a lot? not enough
26. Does 7 love you? my brother in Arms
27. Describe 4 in 3 words? Ra-Men-Star
28. What was the best time you had with 2? WAAAAAY too many ro list
29. Who is the loudest? 4 by far!!
30. Do you know when 6's birthday is? hmm no
31. Does 7 live close? now he does
32. Which one(s) have you hooked up with? ive only dated one of them
33. Do you wanna kiss 4? uhh some of them lol
34. Who on your top 8 do you spend the most time with? recently Savanna
35. Would you hook up with 5? we dated
36. Would you do ANYTHING to make 2 happy? hellz yeah
37. How old is 1? 20. 21 July 17th!!!
38. Who do you think about the most? Savanna
39. Whats your relationship with 6? we are Nissan Family
40. Tell us a funny memorie between you and number 8 one time she locked me and ruben in the back of a moving truck when it was 80 degrees outside!! good times.
41. Tell us about number 7 hes Parash Nissan till we die
42. Who have you vacationed with, if any? Where? haging out with Savy IS a vacation. on my way back from Hawaii i stopped in LA and partied a weekend with Sammy
43. How old is the oldest? Parash is 22years old
44. How old is the youngest? -RameN ..

My Interests

Read Push lyrics
TRUE NISSAN TUNERS!!! Drifting Drifting Drifting all-day-long!!

I'd like to meet:

MARILAN MONROE!!!!!!!!!this shit will FUCK YOU UP!!Ruben in the gymkhana lotone ballin Stegea (Nissan Skyline wagon) For the thurough deffintion of VIP, Bippu and the VIP lifestlye hit mah homies myspace:


Techno, Rock, Trance, Dance, Raggeton, Hip-Hop... was ya poison luv!?
Now That You Got It Lyrics


Drift it!!


I mostly like violent cartoons... Inuyasha, Samurai Shamploo, Evangelion (Neon Genisis), ALL 17 Gundam series, DBZ (i was watching the new b4 you heard of it), Cowboy Bebob, the super classic AKIRA, Ghost in the Shell, wow... ill be here all day. Ninja Turtles (tha new, and original)Inital D and Pokemon ok im done lol


Super streets the only rag for me lol!!


RJ De Vera, Keiichi Tsuchiya, Nobuteru "NOB" Taniguchi aka 'No One Better' and Manabu Orido... oh and we cant forget Takumi Fugiwara GAL DORI!! My Homie-san, Yuki Saito drifting her gold s13 coupe. SILVIA!! YORROSH-KU!!Now some Exe-life... ...Nissan Cima (See^mah) Celsior... ...Bippu Aristo and Crowns

My Blog


Jpick JPhoto and JDM Theory its a revolution... JMD wallwriters unite!!!  
Posted by Nismo Whores back on track! (i miss my car) on Sat, 10 May 2008 11:10:00 PST

S.T.P.B. (clean)

Posted by Nismo Whores back on track! (i miss my car) on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 04:29:00 PST


HAVE THE FUCKING TEAM!!!!all's leftof stefs'regretfor itlord take me from this awful place...
Posted by Nismo Whores back on track! (i miss my car) on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 10:40:00 PST

well, i mean...

its the truth, i was there... ...
Posted by Nismo Whores back on track! (i miss my car) on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 12:25:00 PST

to be...

Its 2:43 now... the street is damp from the rain an hour ago. The fingers on my left hand are intertwined with yours atop my TOMS shift knob. Silvias rough idle agitates the peacful morning air. The r...
Posted by Nismo Whores back on track! (i miss my car) on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 10:07:00 PST

i STILL see stars... ur fault ;-)

after you read this go hit... i need your love like the flowers need the sun to grow and reach the sky let us try to be as one i need to hear your voicei need you...
Posted by Nismo Whores back on track! (i miss my car) on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 02:51:00 PST


you suck!! ;-P jk no really tho wen im not seeing things anymore ill tell u about my weekend.oh were we
Posted by Nismo Whores back on track! (i miss my car) on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 08:04:00 PST

the truth about me

There is just one who accepts...Now, whisper her part like YOU would say it...(Ok first I'd say...) I ain't got no money I ain't got no car to take you on a date I can't even buy you flowers But toget...
Posted by Nismo Whores back on track! (i miss my car) on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 05:16:00 PST


is there a Nestley factory out there!? ...
Posted by Nismo Whores back on track! (i miss my car) on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 04:50:00 PST

we can do it hard, or gently...

Hey there!! you FUCKING KILL ME... im soooo tired of this $#!t... yo im sittin up @ this light right!? and all this stuff starts going through my head... that... i dnt want to be with you anymore. im ...
Posted by Nismo Whores back on track! (i miss my car) on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 06:26:00 PST